Chapter 7

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Mirabelle's POV:  Our group examined the area of the museum where she discovered the journal. Finn scoured the historical journal entries. Some shelves were wobbly. He touched it, and a stairwell appeared. "Guys, come here!" He called out. "I found something!" We followed him down the narrow, dusty stairwell. The air grew cooler and mustier. The stairs seemed to descend into the heart of the museum. After several turns, we found ourselves in a long, dimly lit corridor. The walls were lined with glass display cases, each containing an assortment of artifacts and relics. At the end of the corridor, a soft, golden light flickered, casting a warm glow onto a massive wooden door. Finn pushed it open, revealing a small, circular room. The center of the room was dominated by a massive crystal pedestal, upon which rested a strange, glowing orb.

"The Black Star Guild is a rebellious guild founded by Nodin, the seventh member of our guild. I knew he disagreed with the king, but not so much that he would quit and start a rebellion, but I think he drew the line when trying to use shadow magic." That was all it said about him, but there was more information about the star changing every time the star fell. As if the world is changing every time it happens. "What do you think will happen when the star falls tonight?" You asked me, trying to sound casual. "I mean, it's been falling on the same night every year since I was born. Maybe we should try to see what's behind it? Or maybe it's just a coincidence?" I shrug, unsure of myself. 

Jack is trying to make sense of it. "It's probably just some sort of natural phenomenon, like the aurora borealis. But who knows? Maybe there's a deeper meaning to it all. Maybe it's a sign from the gods or something. You know, like a warning or a message." I glance up at him, considering his words. "Mirrors are passages turned into portals by celestial wizards in the past, but if you can use the stars to create another world itself," Viola read the journal and said, "We know his name at least." She looked up at us and said, "Nodin, the seventh member of our guild." She paused, "and the creator of Black Star Guild. "We all stayed silent, taking in the information. "He used shadow magic to open the portal to another world, but I don't know how. I mean, shadow magic is forbidden. It's dangerous and unpredictable."

These plants were encroaching on the walls of the greenhouse. In the center lies a spherical flower vase filled with dead flowers. When I touched a specific portion of the butch, it cleared through and revealed a face. Is there anyone here? Vines encircled a model of three men carrying weapons.

As I took a look around, I called out to the others, saying "Hello." However, no one responded. The air hung heavy with an eerie silence, causing my skin to crawl. Despite not seeing anything out of the ordinary, I couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that I was being watched. The path before me wound through a dense thicket where the underbrush was so thick that I could barely see more than a few inches in front of me.

A Fairy Tale With a Twist Book 1: Mirror verseWhere stories live. Discover now