Chapter 21

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Mirabelle's POV: As soon as we exited the room with the mirror, I gathered my thoughts and understood the situation unfolding between us. How can he motivate her to work under him, and could we have made a mistake in choosing to trust the fairies? Despite their evasive answers, we have had more questions than answers, as they've chosen not to give us a direct answer.

Fantasia is a fascinating place. We entered this location via two portals. What was next for us after Yed Sid's Tower and the charm owners' homes? From here, I could see Bald Mountain, which Dad had forbidden us from visiting. It was virtually impossible to see, but with a good look, you could see it through the smoke. Was that a puff of smoke? I had no idea what that was. Every one of our fairies gave her a serious look. "What is all this talk of another world?" Gaia remained talking to herself for a while. "I can't believe he's returned. It's impossible ""Could you tell us what happened?" Dominic asked. At Fault, who is the storyteller? "Are you referring to the author?"

As soon as we returned, our gang and the fairies Treant joined us, along with the other creatures, spirits included. The guards drew their weapons and prepared to fight. "No, it's fine; they're with us." I blocked the path because I didn't want anyone to get wounded. Guards looked to their father for approval. He nodded and put the weapon away. When we left Fantasia, the door opened like someone opening the currents when they first woke up. Lizards sniffed around, looking. "So, this is what the human world looks like?" Jack's lizard companion observed.

My family-headed home dad urged me to take a shower and change my clothing before returning to the center. I'm not sure where my other friends were; Jack, Finn, and Kai have yet to phone or text back. Knock on the door and say, "Come in." before leaving.

Chad entered my room before we left. "Hey." There was an awakening pause: "Hi there, no, I told you so." "No, look, I'm sorry for what I said to you, dad," he groaned. Everything has been completed. I just wanted to protect you and thought that if I could keep you out of everything, you wouldn't be in danger.

But I'm not as bold as you, as smart as Chloe, or as creative as Ashlynn," I hugged him. I suppose he had that thought deep down but was too preoccupied with what I was trying to prove to recognize it. He's my older brother, and I appreciate having him. "Thank you; I'm sorry if I worried you." He almost sobbed, "After I failed Audrey, I don't want to fail my family." I consoled him. "Audrey does not deserve you; she is a user."

Mom entered the room. She was beaming. "It's good to see you two getting along again." It's time to leave." Some worried parents blamed the schools for what had occurred. I moved through the crowd, looking for the others. "What is going on?" I inquired. Everyone was speaking over one another. "We're not accomplishing anything with this fighting," Dominic replied. Finn used his flame to light up the lantern and it drew the attention of half the room. "Hey!" He yelled.

I had two scars on my arm as well as a wounded knee. Mom carried first aid supplies in her purse, as well as animal food. "I'm just fine, mom." "We were so worried about you, though we still got the message," Dad said, a worried line on his brow. I rapidly explained that there was a guy attempting to establish another planet, that a spirit was attacking, and that Clorinda could be duped into collaborating with them. I was out of breath when I finished the story.

Dad stood there, taken aback. Someone in the audience says, "Fantasia is a myth." The treant's offended. "If it's a myth, how are we here?" The trees are almost ten feet tall and have a hard time being comfortable inside. With some whispering, Merryweather shouted, "It's not a myth!" The crowd subsided. "My ancestors were from Fantasia." When I was younger, I used to run away there. "When my mother relocated us to the Enchanted Forest, I met Flora and Fiona."

Jade inquired as to how many of the stories were accurate. Dominic took out his sword. "It looks like the sword from King Solomon," she observed. Dominic elaborated, "Your father was forced to work for him." "What do you mean, my father?" Merryweather inquired. "He left you not by choice," he finished.

Jade inquired as to how many of the stories were accurate. Dominic took out his sword. "It looks like the sword from King Solomon," she observed. Dominic elaborated, "Your father was forced to work for him." "What do you mean, my father?" Merryweather inquired. He abandoned us." I'd never seen her so distraught before, but he concluded, "Not by choice." Ben smirked. "So King Solomon wasn't a great king." Jade scowled. "It looks like we need to take his painting or replace his label in the museum." Kepler "Before we come to fight, let's check out the charms."

A Fairy Tale With a Twist Book 1: Mirror verseWhere stories live. Discover now