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Devon hung up the phone and raked his hand through his hair, and then he met my eyes. There was worry in those grey depths tinted with flashes of his wolf.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice little better than a whisper. Had something happened to his pack? My heart beat while I waited for his slow response.

"Megan's disappeared."

"Megan?" I swallowed. She was not high on my list of favourite people, although I had liked her well enough before I realized she'd been with my mate. Still, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. "What happened?"

He exhaled. "Apparently, she's been ranging our territory, and even going beyond it alone ever since the whole situation with the vampire... Damn it, this is all my fault."

"We don't know what would have happened if he'd met her in a different situation," I said, trying not to think about the image of him coming out with her.

"It wouldn't have been worse than what happened."

I didn't really have a good argument against that.

"It's worse than just her disappearance. At first everyone assumed she was still wandering like she had been doing, letting her wolf run free. Once they realized she was gone, no one could contact her, and my scouts followed her trail and they found traces of hunter activity. Oliver's fairly sure that she was taken by them—just like our sister."

His arms went around me and he buried his face by his mark. "I know it's a messed up situation, Amber. I really do. But she's still one of my pack, and my friend. I know—"

"You have to go and try to save her, obviously."

He looked at me with gratitude in his eyes. "Amber..."

"I trust you not to do anything with her now that we're together."

"I don't deserve you, beautiful."

"Well, something apparently thought you did. I'll just finish up here and follow you. If that's okay?"

He looked at me, his brows furrowed. "You could come with me."

"I just really want to do this, Devon. It's like closing the door on the past. Please? And I need to tell Dan what happened. It can't be over the phone."

He frowned, his eyes flickering. He closed them for a long moment and reopened them back on solid grey. "Then I'll go back first, after Sarah gets home so she can guard you. You two can follow as soon as possible."

"Yes, that will work."

He leaned in towards me again. "The last thing I want to do is leave you here."

"I don't want to see you go either..." Fear clutched my chest. "Don't let them hurt you, Devon."

"I'll be careful. I have someone to come back to now." We kissed again, our mouths melding together in perfect harmony.

He broke off our kiss, texted Sarah, and packed his bags, and then we waited together for Sarah to get home, his arms wrapped around me.

Realistically nothing was going to happen, but I understood his need and I was in no hurry to see him go so I didn't argue.

Sarah burst in through the door, her eyes holding the same worry as Devon's.

He pulled me close and kissed me hungrily. "Stay safe, I'll see you soon."

"You too," I said, feeling a deep sadness grab hold of me. I didn't want to be away from him. I told myself it wouldn't be long. We'd finish packing, and I'd see him again in a couple of days. There was nothing I could do to help by dropping everything and running, was there?

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