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It was the beginning of summer and the Bob gang was going to spend their summer at a beach house.  They gang was thrilled, fresh rooms, a sight of the beach, heck even a good kitchen. The gang pick their rooms. Bofo with the metal bed,  Boder and Bobot shared a room with blue and yellow  beds and room. Bowaev and  Bobal shared one as well, and last but not least bob had a blue room but with some yellow. But the one thing that was questionable was the bed size. It was a king  bed. He didn't question it, instead he went to the living room where the others were but then the news went on.

"This just in, a sea monster has stroke again with fishers but don't worry locals said it's only in the rights side of the beach area, so keep doing what your doing."

  The news went off and the gang was scared but it didn't bothered some of them but mostly bowaev but they won't let it ruin their summer, so they went into the beach where it was opened, the boys put their towels down (and putted water proof glue on Bofo) and went through the crowd and into the water. 

The gang heard a cry of help and then a within a flash the lifeguard was there and picking them up you know, like in action movies where there's an explosion behind them... you get the idea. Bob's eyes widen with the sight to see. The lifeguard was male and they had yellow hair, blue eyes and a load of packs on their stomachs.(if you know what I mean 😏) and fair light skin. The lifeguard putted the person and returned with to their long chair, now the save was attracting girls(probably Bob as well) but the boys just stared at the action and talk about. 

Bowaev:woah, he's fast, but I'm even faster ÙvÚ.

Bobot:keep dreaming Bow 

Bofo:meh, he's okay I guess.

Boder:can we get out, I'm alrighty hungry 

Bobal:yeah same here. 

Bowaev:can we get some ice cream?

Bob:yeah, can we? 

Bofo:fine, but your wasting your sugar rushes in the water.


As the gang walk to the food area a familiar face was shown. It was the lifeguard.

???:oh! Sorry, am I in your way?

Bob:oh no, me and my friends were just looking for the ice cream shack.

???:oh, it's down the left by the hot dog area.

Then another familiar face came into the sene 

Amor:ay Bosip didn't see you there

Bosip:oh! Hey Amor

Amor:I see you met my others friends or the bob gang

Bosip:oh they were your friends cool, I didn't notice.  But any who but to get back to work. (I feel you bro) cya 


Bofo:you know him?

Amor:oh yeah, we be buds since high school.

Bobot:that's interesting 

Bowaev:come on I want ice cream 

Bobal:okay okay we're going now impatient kid 

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