8. H€łłõ?

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June 16 ####

I was walking around from the courtyard since school is out now and I was suppose to meet my friends, but I noticed something in the distance that seemed non-normal. It was close by the sea but trash was all over.  I gotten closer and I saw a human figure walk threw it all away in a somewhat plastic trash bend. It was a male, thanks to the hair and body but something else that surprised me. It was half shark. The male stopped in their tracks and started to pick up a scent with their nose. I hitched but I tried to not to move. It kept walking and it stopped. It had now look at me.  I fell backwards but to proceed to crawl back but it was no use. It kept walking towards me. I closed my eyes shut tight. Nothing happened.  I opened one of my eye was the shark male was looking at me. It turned its head sideways and they proceeded to touch me. 

¿?¿:âr€ ÿøū 0kæÿ, 

I was confused. What language was that!? The male reached their hand for mine. Guessing it was trying to help me. I was now pulled up and on my two feet. The male was taller than me a bit, but then I heard one of my friends calling me. I looked back but the shark person was gone.

August 7 ####

School started not so long ago for me and now I'm in my last hour. It was history, ugh. I looked out the window and saw the water. I thought the same shark person I met while back. Why didn't it attack me!? Is it nice? Or is trying to do something....  But then I saw the same tail of the shark person, I looked at the clock and I was determined to see the person again. The bell finally rang, and I rushed out of school with all of my stuff. I went down to the beach and saw them again. I stand out so it could see me. I said "hey" to them and they look at me. They smiled as if they don't see that much people. 

P.I.F:okay last time we didn't get each other but let me introduce myself, I'm  Amor, you? 


Amor:your name, you know 

?¿?:I don't have a name 


?¿?:that's okay, some people call me monster or shark in loud way 

Amor:okay then, we'll what are you doing? 

?¿?:oh, just picking up this nasty stuff.

Amor:I can help?

?¿?:you do that? 

Amor:sure what are friends for. Or you wanna be friends...

?¿?:I love to have a friend! 

June 1st 2021 

I look up to the beach and I saw the Bob gang. Oh and I see him. Looks like he got a job he can do. I'm happy for him. Maybe I should step in. 

June 2nd 2021

I invited Bob and my good friend to be at the mall. I drove there but I bet Bob was loving it when he putted his hands on him. I ship it. 

I saw Blu and the others and talk and then I saw Bob and him. I wave to them to make sure that they know they come over. They introduced themselves to Blu and the others. Blu asked if they are a couple and Bob was stuttering like holy god. Bosip just assume he's straight but I can tell that Bosip seem to love him. Mmm, yea. 

June 9th 2021 

I was walking down the board walk and saw Bob swimming with him. Looks like Bob found out. And he's holding his back. Woo! I wave to him and he went to me. I talk to them and they seem to be having a good time. Bob needed to go back to their beach house and I had "things" to do, so we split. 

When I got home I opened my photos and saw the old pic I took. We were so young. We were good friends.  Me and 


End of chapter 8

Words: 672

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