4.the night

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As the gang walk back to the beach house,  Boder and Bobot was grounded and Bob was..... Bob.  As the gang walk back to the porch of the beach house, Bob noticed a familiar yellow, he smiled but then-

Bofo:I better see everyone in their room, and don't try any tricks. That's final and Boder you washing dishes for a week and Bobot is doing laundry for a week as punishment for both of y'all. 

Boder and Bobot:aw man. 

Bob about the room thing and worried that he can't see bos tonight but he really wants to. As the gang went to their rooms, Bob checked outside of his window. It was an  6 by 6 inch window where anyone can crawl through. He looked down only to see Bos, down on the ground. Bob felt like he was in a movie. But he got back to his senses and grabbed the rope and threw the part down where bos will climb. As bos climbed the rope, his hands were hurting by rope burn but he was bout way there.  Bos was at the rail and helped by Bob's strength. Bos  was now inside of Bob's room.  Bos took a good look around bob's room. It was mostly blue but it had a little yellow in the details.  He then look at Bob who underneath him. 

Bos:soo this is your room.... I the blue shade, I guess. 


A knock on the door was heard and Bob told Bos to hide. Bob went to the door and it was Bofo. The bot man looked at Bob as if something going on here. But Bob didn't notice.

Bob:h-hey Bofo, what's poppin? 

Bofo:since your the last one, I just came to check on you. You seem to be fine. Have a good night 

Bob:thanks, you too 

Bofo left the sene, and let out a sigh of relief. Bob told Bos to come out. Bos crawled out of the bed and standed. 

Bos:so what now? 

Bob:umm, we could talk. 

Bos:okay, where should we sit

Bob:I'm sure we can sit on my bed


When the two gotten on the bed, they started talking as Bob said. They talked about their favorite food and how their life was. Surprisingly Bos said that sharks are afraid of him. Bob couldn't get his eyes off Bos. He was too dreamy but then again, who wouldn't fall for him. The silky scales shine in every light, the hair smooth and dry as if never been wet. The body of his was pack and full of scars, oof, looks like he been fighting a lot. Bob was bout to dose off into a slumber but caught by Bos's lap.  Bob blushed and look up and saw Bos looking down at him.  Bos putted his two hands on Bob's cheeks. 

Bos:are you already tired, it's 11:25 now.  

Bob:I think so, you wanna sleep here or...

Bos::I think I'm fine where I am. 


Bob closed his eyes and drift into dreams. 

The next morning 

As the sun rose a new of summer day began but when Bob woken up, Bos was gone but a some what note on his dresser. 

"Hey if your reading this Bob , just wanna tell you that thank you. I had fun talking with you, I'll be by the shore by the house but a walks ahead. Come over if you want to come. I'll be swimming around." 


Bob smiled and hugged it. He had to see him again. 

End of chapter 4 

Words: 586

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