19.beach day part 2

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(Okay for all you people who don't ship it, please respect cause I like this ship I respect what y'all love about these two being ship with someone else, so pleas continue) 

It was now the evening and the gang was back at the house. Boder was just..just..just disappointed in himself, I mean he stills has the chance. He can do it. He just don't know how to do it. He just needs to get everything together and he'll be ready. He went to his room where nobody was in, he look on his dresser and grabbed the "items". Look back in chapter 14 to remember it or if you remembered.  He prepared everything and snuck out to a pacific spot with a steaming waterhole. He satted up everything. He maked sure that he was ready and gotten the candles all lit. Everything was perfect. He heard walking and he knew it was him. 

Bobot:ugh, what a day. But finally away from stress and into steaming water-! Oh these candles weren't here before. Hun. Is someone there, 

Boder's thoughts:okay, he's here and now is the time. Do it me! Do it! 

Just as Boder was bout to get up the special item flew out of his hand and Bobot grab it. And now he down and he saw Boder.

Bobot:oh, Boder. It's just you. Phew 


Bobot:you did the candles, I'm guessing...


Bobot:this...okay, I'm sorry it just I didn't you expect to see me like this or my favorite waterhole. Haheheh...


Bobot:it's fine, I guess you can keep secret- oh right, here's your paper ^^ 

Boder was bout to take it but he remembered that the reason of the paper. He pushed back to Bobot and signaling to read it. 

Bobot: oh! You want me to read it, okay 

Bobot opened it and started to read it. Boder just hid his face in his scarf knew that he'll be embarrassed that he wrote it all down on the very letter. He knew the Bobot was done reading it. Bobot didn't know what to say. 

Bobot:B-Boder, you like me? 


Bobot:I dunno what to say. I- 

Bobot was almost steaming more then the waterhole. He was speechless, nobody had ever liked him. He didn't know how to react. He putted his hand on his mouth. Boder thought it was just a reject and he was bout to walk away but he was stopped by Bobot. 

Bobot:I-I like you too. I just don't know how to react. No one has ever liked me, nor do I know love or being like. 


Boder went up to Bobot and hugged him, he was smiling that he wasn't rejected, Bobot stood there not saying anything. He just putted his arms around Boder's neck. Bobot felt something else. It was soft and nice. A little bit fuzzy for the touch. 

Bobot:Boder, what's behind your back?  


Bobot:it's okay if you don't wanna say. 

Boder's thoughts: come on me, just say that it's a plushie for him and you'll be fine, besides he's like your boyfriend now, you can do it. 

Boder:um.. actually-

Bobot:oh! Boder, your voice is back! That's great! You can finally talk- 

Boder:may I speak? 

Bobot:haheheh, yeah, yeah.. sorry 

Boder:as I was saying, actually it's for you 

Boder revealed the plush that was a soft fuzzy spiders long with another paper, it was a drawing of Bobot. Bobot blushed hard and giggled. 

Bobot: oh babe, I love 


Bobot embraced his new boyfriend with a little help from snuggling fuzzy spoder plush. They hugged for a little bit but it was already 12:49 and they probably need to go into the beach house now. 

Bobot:looks like we need to go back in. Heheh. 

Boder:do you want me to carry you? 

Bobot:go ahead, my feet are tired anyway. 

Boder:shall we go Mi Amor? 


Bobot:what the- 


Boder:shall we go Mi Amor 

Bobot:we shall 

Bobot picked up the fives and was carried bridal style in Boder's 4 arms and walked back to the beach house. (Don't worry, they blew out the candles)  

End of chapter 19 

And part 2 of the last one. 


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