5.midnight roam

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The gang was at the beach again, Bowaev, Boder, Bobot, and Bobal we're doing chicken fights. While Bob and Bofo were tanning. Bob was eating a blueberry ice cream. He lick it slowly but enjoying it. Bofo went to the car to get something and Bob agree and continued to eat. As Bob was licking a shadow was peering in front of him. A blonde male was in front of him with a flirt ousting face. "Ugh" is Bob all thought. The blonde flirted a little, Bob kept ignoring him hoping that he'll go away. But no, he wouldn't until a Brown-red headed girl with a beach body asked him for directions. The blonde smiled with pride (ugh). As the two left Bob's phone dinged of an notification pop. It was Bofo saying that Boder had to go the hospital along with Bowaev, so they left him. Bob sigh of "omg, really". His ice cream was finish  but Bob was still hungry. A tap of the shoulder, it was Bosip with a smile.

Bosip:hey Bob, you okay? Or am I interrupting something?

Bob:o-oh no, just some blonde hoe wouldn't leave me alone. Besides I'm already hungry, heheh

Bosip:Oh! That reminds me, I was wondering if you want to go out with me, you know like a date. 

Bob:a date!? Yeah, sure...sure...umm, right now or... 

Bosip:yeah, there's a restaurant next by if you wanna

Bob:I umm...

Bob's thoughts:come one Bob say yes, SAY YES

Bob:I do 

Bob's thoughts:whhhy?! 

Bosip:that's great, I'll wait for you, when your done getting dress. 


Bob was steaming but did it anyways. As Bob gotten dress, his thoughts toke him away. 

"What bout Bos?",  "what if he's messing with your feelings?", the thoughts kept coming and coming until Bob bump into Bosip. 

Bob:omg, bosip I'm so sorry!!! 

Bosip:it's fine Bob, it's okay. Don't worry bout it. Now come on,  let's have some fun.

The two went to the motorbike and rode. Bob with his hands on Bosip's waist. Bob thought he never would feel this moment again. They parked infront of a bar and grill restaurant. The two got off and went in. The two sat at a booth and look upon the meun.  The waitress came and asked for any drinks. Bob asked for sun rise lava and Bosip asked for water. The waitress nodded . As the waitress left, the two talk.

Bosip:so.. how are you?

Bob:oh, just tired and really hungry,  I'm sure you can agree.

Bosip:oh tell me about it, dumb girls won't leave me alone. Freaking Karens if you know what I meant.

Bob:t-yeah, heheh


Bosip:so do you like anyone? 

Bob:oh ummm... I may think my might change my sexuality because of two people, heheh

Bosip:so who's the lucks? 

Bob:oh just some guys. I dunno whom to pick

Bosip:oh,  their names? 

Bob:oh! Well one of them is Bos and the other is.... well I can't say. 

Bosip:that's okay, I'm bi myself. 

Bob:o-oh , that's interesting heheh

The waitress finally came and ask for their orders. They said the "egg yolk grilled special"  and the waitress was gone.  The two tell some jokes, some laughs, smiles and more.  

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