15.fish on the line

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Morning awoke and the gang were just getting up.  Bob and Bosip was the first ones and they toke into the water. Bob and Bosip were laughing until a shadow  came by with a spear and it struck Bosip. Bosip eyes widen and he was pulled down.


Bob:Bosip! Hold on! 

Bob tried with all of his might but he failed with a another and Bosip disappeared into the sallows of the depths.  Bob was starting to tear up until he saw air tanks. He ran into the house not caring that he's getting the floor wet and gotten scuba gear and ran back to the ocean.

Bob:don't worry Bosip, I'm coming for you. 


Bosip's POV 

Ugh, my tail hurts, where am I? I open my eyes and saw that I was in a...bedroom. Wha...


The door opened and I only saw a fish person that was a mint green and green haired. It's  also wearing a dark blue sailors outfit, it looked it was an cute humanoid angler fish, hints the glow ball on his antenna . 

Angler boi:hewo, I see that your awake. That's good because your getting ready for the date the queen Roro set up for both of y'all. I'm Anchor! 


Angler boi:yep, that's what I said, now let's get you ready shall I? 

The  took my hand and walk into a closet. 

Bosip:please don't do this to me, I have a boyfriend and I'm sure he's worry for me. So can you please let me go

Angler boi:sorry, if you don't then, me and you were get be headed. 

Bosip:I don't even know her! 

Angler boi:tell you what, if you can help me get pass the guards, and we'll both be free from this domain, deal? 


Angler boi:let's go! 

He hops on my shoulder and rides on my back. We went through the window and swam through the depths and coral. We stopped and hid in the reef of sea weed. It was a queen laying on a clam where two fish on the bottom were holding up, poor fishys. 

The queen:subjects, go check on my date and the other one. Or else. 

Some fishes nodded and swam past us. We swam quickly but quietly pass them, I look up to see the sky and I saw a shadow, it looked like a human shadow, it kept coming closer and closer. It was Bob 


Bosip:Bob, I happy as well but not now, we gotta go 


Angler boi:go, go! 

The three swam up and paddled to the light house which was close to the beach house. Bob got to shore and Anchor stayed in the water and I layed on the hot sandy land. It felt to see the sunlight again. 

Angler boi:we'll, since I'm free I might as well swim else where. I hope to see you two again. It was fun while it last. Bai Bai 


Anchor swam down and towards the sun. Bob looked at Bosip and hugged the scales of the shark man. 

Bob:I was so worried bout you, you don't know how long I can't survive without you 

Bosip:oh babe, I miss you too. Now how bout we get some noddles and get you out of that suit.

Bob:that be wonderful.

End of chapter 15 


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