20.Moving Mayhem

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It was an sunny afternoon, ah yes, the soothing wind, the light rays of the sun keeping everyone warm. The nice sunny life as usual. 

But unfortunately, the gang is now packing up their stuff. 

Yeah, you heard me. Their moving out of the beach house. Yep. It was the last day of summer.(and if you ask then each three or two chapters were some days and months.)   And Bosip was disappointed.

Bosip:so, your actually going away. 

Bob:yeah, yeah.. 


Bob: oh who am I kidding?! I'm gonna miss you!! 

Bosip:I'm gonna miss you too!  :'( 

Bob:if only you can come with us-! 



A few minutes later

Bob:ugh this bag is so heavy. 

Bofo:need some help bob? 

Bob:yeah, sure. That be nice. 

Bofo:*picks up bob's bag" it's not that heavy, anyway what's in it? 

Bob:oh, just...something special. 

Bofo:okay....  I'm gonna check it 


Bofo opened it and there was clothes and a shark plush saying "I love you". 

Bofo:seriously?! It's just clothes and a plushie. Your weak 


More later 

Bob and the gang was driving to the boat (yeah they drove on those boats where you can park your cars)  and stayed in there for hours. Bob was busy on his phone, he be like texting or something. Bowaev was asleep and wrap in  a soft blanket, Boder was listening to music on his phone and Bobot was hugging the plush. Bobal was at the front seat passenger messing with the radio, and Bofo is just (suffering) seating in the drivers seat.  Eventually they made it back to their home state and drive home.  They got to their home and the went in with their bags. 

Bowaev:Home! Home sweet home. ^v^  

Bobot:I do agree, it has been a while seen we saw this place. 

Bofo:it's been like two or three months. 

Bowaev:that's still too long! 

Bofo:meh, still short  

As the gang got out of the car and got their bags out the car, Bob grab his bag and rushed into his room as fast as possible. 

Bobal:what's up with him?



Bobot:Boder, can you please help me up. My legs are tired. 

Boder:sure Bobot. 

Meanwhile with Bob 

Bob's POV  

Oh boy, oh boy  we're here and I'm not crying, and this is the best idea.  I checked if the halls are clear and they are. I unzip my bag. 

Bob:you okay Bosip? 

Bosip:didn't expect your bag to be large of a suitcase. 

Bob:it's for the best but never mind that. We get to together! And we'll never brake apart! 

Bosip:never ever. 

Bob:agree, now this is the real room. 

Bosip:I see you have a cube plush. 

Bob:hm? Oh-! Yeah, all of us have our own plush, mine is this cube, Bowaev's is a triangle with goggles, Bobot's a helmet with legs, and Bobal is a spike ball and there's two more. 

Bosip:hm, interesting, well.. I'm excited cause we're together and nothing can break us apart 

Bowaev:Bob, dinner! 

Bosip:except for that. 

Bob:quick turn into that thing that you fitted in. 

Bosip turned into that thing and layed on Bob's bed and Bob went out the door.  


I go back to my room and I snagged a little bit of chicken for little Bosip, heheh. 

Bob:hey, you alive Bosip? 

Bosip:yes I am. *sniff* is that chicken? 

Bob:yeah here you go.

I putted the chicken in Bosip mouth, he chewed up and swallowed it.  He lick his teeth and turned back into a human.  And he kissed my lips.

Bosip:thank you, but are you sure you want me here Bob? I mean I don't wanna be a free loader. I may fine another job, besides your friends may get suspicious. 

Bob:alright, but I want you to may yourself at home, besides we can cuddle all we want. 

Bosip:your so clingy

Bob:only for you. 

Bosip:may I add a troublemaker as well? 

Bob:you shall. 

The two kissed and cuddled in bed. The night was starry and warm. 

End of chapter 20 


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