18. Beach day

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It was fine afternoon, and the gang was at the state fair. It was a bang, but Boder had other plans. Earlier this morning he received a text from the doctor noted that he'll speak again in the afternoon and the gang doesn't know. That's way he'll speak by surprise. The gang was set in the water and Bosip was back to the lifeguard seat. And Bofo was on the tanning towels now. And the rest either at the water or getting food because, food is the most important thing of the summer. Let's check on the gang shall we? 

With Bowaeva and Bob

Bowaev: oh, this is so much fun! 

Bob:yep you saiid it Bov. 

Bowaev:man I wish it was summer forever. 

Bob:heheh, yeah  

With Bosip

Ugh it's so boring here without Bob. He always makes things fun. Now it's just boring sitting around doing nothing but listen to these girl simps (not you peeps) nonstop talking and trying to flirt with me. Ugh, what's next? A Karen? 

(Poor Bosip) 

With the others 

As we listen to three peeps minds and chats let's check on the others, let's see... Bobal is getting a hot dog, Bofo is just reading under the umbrella. And Boder and Bobot is somewhere else. Let's go find out. 

With Boder 

Okay me, you can do this just say "I like you do you like me back?" It's simple me just do it. Okay he's probably right around the corner.  I walk around the corner and there he was. Is he tanning?!  Welp never thought he wanted his skin to be darken. Wait a moment, he's just chilling on a rock with sunglasses, a visor and a breathable mask!? Dang he's hot. And cute at the same time. (Vine anyone 😏?) I walk up to him and I guess he saw me and he waved at me.  Looks like he's signaling me to come and sit. If I won't be lying if we're both on good terms. Heheh, heh... okay we're both on great terms, I mean I promise not to tell anyone about his face, even tho his face is smoked hot and pretty and-! AAHH! What am I saying!?  We're friends! Right?  Right!? 

Bobot:Boder? You okay? 

Crap. I nodded into a yes and he began to talk.  

Bobot:man, crazy summer, isn't it? 


Bobot:heheh, I mean with Bob's new sexuality, his boyfriend and so much more I can't even think of. But one thing I can say is that 

Boder's thoughts:okay, he's gonna do it. Be cool! 

Bobot took off the head gear, good, and there it was. The sugar lips, the sherbet hair, the glossy skin, even the eyes. There all there just as I remembered just more shinier in the sunlight. He layed his head on my shoulder. 

Bobot:I'm glad that, we're friends. 

We sat in silence. It was nice, quiet. Just the two of us, all alone. I putted one of my hands on his cheek (face |:<), and rub it. He giggled, so cute, yet his cheek so soft. Okay Boder you can do this. You can say it. Just tell him. 



Bobot:I know we been friends for a long time but, I wanna take it farther. 

Wait, what does he mean by that?

Bobot:do you remember when I joined?

Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Bobot: I was so nervous at first but then, I met you. You were an angel to me. You were always there for me like you being a father figure to Bowaev, and yet here you are not talking but user those vocals are beautiful words just wanting to be let out. 

Crud, he's too powerful. Bobot took an inch closer, so did I. Finally after all these days I'm finally gonna- 

Suddenly his phone start ringing. 

Bobot:hm? Oh it's Sunday. Darn, mm, I really don't wanna be in her band anymore. I mean it's a good band and she's great it just... I can't speak like her. Every time I sing in that tone, I just feel like a monster. *sighs* Welp, it's 2:36 p.m., I guess we better go. You coming? 


Bobot:I'll  be waiting for you


He walks away, putting on his gear. Omg, why didn't I say anything?! I'm so done, welp better get to the gang now. *sighs*, maybe tonight I'll do it with the romance bed pose. Maybe he'll like it. 

End of chapter 18 

(Shall I write this continuing part?) 

(Yes or no) 

Words:  748

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