2.Shark in the water

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As the moon glows, the gang look at the glimmering sky in amaze, when except for Bob. Bob trap in his thoughts. Thinking about yesterday at the mall, about the words they said that him and Bosip were dating and how can he forget about the motorbike ride back. His own hands on Bosip's waist. He was almost blushing blue now, until he came back to reality when he heard a splash in the water.  He saw something in the water with the help of the moonlight. It was something humanoid, some yellow in there. Bob couldn't get a closer look until...

Bobal:Bob, you in there? Hello? 

Bob:oh, sorry. I thought I saw something in the water

Boder:to be fair I do see something yellow in the water 

Bowaev:we should investigate. Mystery!!

Bofo:okay, this one i agreed on this one. It probably best to see what it is.

Bobot:let's get in the boat

As the gang got on the boat, they went no too far from the beach house.  The sailed off and look at the water. Nothing was there.  Bob and them tried to look closer, nothing more than just water all around. The guessing the gang just saw light and hot there hopes up.  A wave flew by and the gang went back to the beach house. As Bob went inside the boat, something flew by the corner of his eye. It was the same shade of yellow he saw he first arrived in the very beach. He tired to follow it but there was nothing. He thought he saw something but it was nothing.

 When the gang got back to shore Bob told them that he wanted to be alone for a little while, the gang didn't question it and left him. He look at the moon and looked at the sea. Then he heard a splash around the corner, he ran to the sound where it was. He stopped in his tracks only to a humanoid shark person.  The person scales or half skin was a smooth yellow with a little black stripes on the neck, arms, legs, torso and face. Bob eyes widen by the sight. Bob was speechless by the sight. But the shark person notice and looked at him. Bob putted his hands in front of himself to show there ain't any weapons on him. The person stand up and boo he was tall, probably not taller than Bofo and Boder but still tall. The shark person walk towards Bob and have him a death stare. Bob just kept looking at the shark person. A long stare finally ended with the shark nodded and left. Bob didn't know what to say. He was speechless but he broke the silence.

Bob:h-hey wait, what's your name?

The shark person looked at Bob and sighed.

Shark person:I don't have a name, so you can call me whatever 

Bob:o-oh, well I'm Bob and I guess I'll call you..... Bos

Bos:sure, it's fine 

Bob:will we meet again? 

Bos:it depends on if your alone or not 

Bob:well, I'm free t-tomorrow 

Bos:alrighty then it's settled see ya blue boy 

Bob:heheh yeah heheh

Bos:bye I guess 


As Bos went off Bob is speechless about what had happened. Did he befriended him or just talked to a cool person he ever saw ,  it ever just happened Bob just stood there in blush.  What was he suppose to. Be scared or be happy because a new friend. It was just in between, but then he hadda go back in the beach house. 

The next morning 

Bofo:good morning Bob 

Bob:morning Bofo, get any sleep last night?  

Bofo:umm, yes... you didn't?

Bob:something been on my mind here and lately 

Boder:oh yeah Amor texted me and he's inviting us to a "sub goal" party. It's at at the skating rink.

Bowaev:did someone say Skating?? :D

Bobal:omg not again 

Bobot:party (imma spike the drinks) 

Bofo:okay fine but no spiking drinks Bobot, I want it repeat like last Christmas.

Bobot:only ten got drunk 

Bofo:and bowaev gotten sick for a week!

Bobot:fine no spiking anything 


Bob:let's go!

End of chapter 2

Words: 680

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