12.the mall

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It was now morning and the gang was there was nothing to do and Bobot just slept in after his anger song, he was now tears stuck to pillow and headaches. It was heck to him now and he needed sleep.  Boder was there with him comforting him as usual and the two love birds just flirt like normal. It was a whatever day and the two love birds are staying at Bosip's home for the night. And the other gang had different plans.  

With Bofo 

Bofo was shopping for the lasted kitchen tools, there was an iron roller he can put in his arm (you know like a weapon), a nice oven mitt, and a great apron saying "I ain't your dad, so shut it". Classic Bofo. Clorox wipes were definitely needed since it's a mess over there. He went to the resister and bought everything that he gotten. He saw Bowaev with Bobal looking at the animals. Bobal is...just looking at the dog.  Bofo wave at them and walk with them. Bowaev wanted to go to the candy store and Bobal just wanted to go to the boba place,  a new flavor was added, chocolate vanilla swirl. Bofo agreed and they went to the candy store first, he swore he has to buy a leash.  Bowaev gotten a great deal on salt water taffy for 2 for 3 dollars.  And the trio got out and bout like 5 bobas. And they wonder how are the other two are doing.

With Bobot(&Boder) 

As Bobot walk in hot topic (meh fav) he saw chokers. Even pride chokers. He got a few, got some beautiful earrings and earrings that are a gummy bear bags for Bowaev. But one thing that caught his attention is a chain, a chain that said "stfu" in morse code. He hadda buy it. When he walk out he looked in his bag. He gotten eyeshadow, earrings, good chokers (yeah B) ), and the chain. He saw Boder in the distance and walk to him.  Bobot saw that Boder bought some scarfs (of course) and other things that he couldn't see. Boder notice Bobot and smiled at him. The two walk and heard the one song that was familiar to them. Now let me ask you this.

Do you remember the last chapter "sing it out" and the mash up song that Bobot and piercing boi 2 sang? Well news splash its on a cd of music. The one listen to it was a short black haired female. She looked tired but she was bobbing her head with her finger as a rocker 🤘🏻.  The girl noticed the two and walk to them.

The girl:yo, are you Bobot?

Bobot:um.. yeah? Who's asking? 

The girl:the name's Sunday and I was wondering if you wanna sing in my band sometime around. What ya say? 

Bobot:I didn't know that my singing would be up the top but sure, it's boring here anyway.

Sunday:sweet! See ya on next Friday 


Bobot:I don't know what I got into but.. it's better than nothing. Let's find the others.

The two walk around and saw the others and they went to the car. Bobot gotten  out his phone and a text message from Sunday. He replied and looked at Boder. The father figure he is to Bowaev. So wholesome, heheh. 

Words: 570

Sorry if it toke a while. Another idea came to me about a story and sucky WiFi. Forgive me peeps.

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