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As the sandy beach looked pretty Bob had other plans. The gang was out and Bob was looking at the sea. He was hoping for his night and shining armor to arrive. Bob just couldn't get his mind off him. Then he heard a familiar engine noise. Bob heard a knock on the door and he went down to answer. It was Bosip at the door. Bob putted his arms around Bosip and proceeded to give him a little kiss.  A bliss was formed in feelings.   

Bosip:did you miss me that much? 

Bob:well I'm bored and you make things interesting.

Bosip:speaking of interesting....I was wondering if you wanna swim with me? 

Bob:a-are you kidding?! Yes! 

Bob gotten his swim trunks and went for the water where Bosip was waiting. The felt cold but it warmed up from the sun. 

Bosip:now Bob I'm gonna try something. Hold on to my tail and it you need to breathe, tap my shoulder, okay? 


Bosip:3..2..1.. go! 

Bosip went into lightning speed. Bob opened his eyes and beautiful shades of blue and a bit of a green. The coral looked beautiful. It was stars for Bob. Bob tapped Bosip's shoulder and he went up. 

Bosip:are you okay? Or do we need to do something else? 

Bob:t-that was...AWESOME!!  Can we do it again?! 


The two swim and swim, stop for breath breaks. But then Bosip saw a figure waving at him. He swam towards it. Bob was confuse why he was swimming to the figure. Bosip stopped and a familiar face was there.


Amor:oh hey Bob, I see you found Bosip's secret. 

Bob:wait you knew?! 

Amor:well yeah, I said it from the beginning. "We met in high school."(remember that now).

Bob:oh yeah, I forgotten about that. 

Bosip:isn't that where we first met Bob?

Bob:yeah,oh the gang is bout to be back and their probably worried about me when they get back. 

Bosip:I can take you there

Amor:anyway I have important things to do, bye. 

Amor left the sene and now the two swam back to the beach house.  Bob and Bosimp went  to the beach house and walk to the front. The two stop in front of the door. 

Bosip:good bye, you still up for Friday ? 

Bob: yeah I'm still up. 

Bosip kissed Bob's cheek and went back to the water. Bob waved and putted his hand on the cheek where he was kissed and a special that been kissed while "Bosip's reveal".  The night he couldn't sleep till Friday.

End of chapter 7

Words: 416


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