10. Fæçë

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May 2##

In a house there lived a mother who lived in Greed, and son who was sweet. The mother disliked her child because...he was way more prettier than her.  She was ashamed of herself to be beaten by her own son. But one day, things has change. 

The child:hey mom, can I finally go and play with other kids? 

The mother:No you may not with that ugly face of yours! Wear this and NEVER TAKE IT OFF! 

The child:but why?

The mother:I just said it you deaf child, now put it on or you ain't getting anything tonight! 

The boy was shock at this unknown action. The child didn't know to get mad or to get sad. He didn't even know what love or like even is. He been iced in this very home of greed. He putted on the thing  by that his mother wanted him to wear.  He walk outside and wave to the kids. He asked to see if he can play but the kids just thought the voice of this child was so scary and frightening thanks to the echo of the helmet or they call mask. The kids ran off leaving the boy sad. "Am I really that ugly?" He thought to himself. In the distance the mother laughed with bratty-ness and continued for dinner. The kid walk back home and went to his room and sulk in tears. 

March 12 200# 

The boy was now 7 years old and going to his first day of second grade. He walk to the classroom with the help of a nice principal. He stand behind the principal with shyness as their both in the front of the class. He saw points of fingers and snickers. The principal introduced the boy and the boy waved shyly. The boy was assigned to a seat next to a girl. The girl had pretty brown hair with the eyes of greenish-grayish. He waved at her and she waved back with a sweet smile on her mouth. But it was ruined by a boy who next the girl making a joke about him. He kept making fun of the boy as if he wanted tears to came out . The girl told the teacher and the rude boy was sent to the office.

April 1st 200# 

The boy and the girl were playing catch the ball, giggles all around until the boy was pulled back and fell backwards. It was a group of bullies and the girl was being held back. The bullies pick on him and kept on saying, "what a helmet headed freak!" and "aww, are we too hard on you, are gonna run to your mommy?". The bullies kept coming and coming with rudeness until finally...the boy snap and punch them and yet even head budded them with the helmet. He scream with pain and tears with distress. It took a few kids to hold him off. The principal was disappointed that a nice little boy turned into a crying stress kid. The bullies was called by their parents and from now on put into another school. And the boy was home school now. 
His mother hit him as saying "you stupid brat, you made me look bad!!".

November 28 201#

The boy's  mother died of a drunken car accident. The funeral was hold two day after and the boy now teenager was in front of the coffin. The boy didn't know how to react to this, either A:smile, B:be sad cause the last family is now dead or C:just do nothing. The boy walk away and gotten into his car and drives home. 

February 20 201# 

The teen was walking in a cold weather he payed attention to his phone and not his surroundings. He gotten use to the helmet. He forever thinks that he's ugly. Every time he looks in the mirror he's disgusted of himself. He watched as his music ended and turned into the next. Until suddenly- *BAM!*, someone crash into the teen. The helmet felled off. The teen eyes widen and hid his face in the hoodie with the help of the strings. The teen looked for the helmet and was holder put in front of him by two unknown hands. The teen grab it and put it back on. It was small but childish looking teen. 

???:are you okay!? Omg, I'm so sorry 

The teen:I-it's fine j-just 

???x2:Bowaev, where are you!? 

Another voice was heard and teen back away as he saw two eyes, but then they were ruined the mood by the childish little teen. 

???:Bofo, stop your scaring them, but anyways sorry for bumping into you, I'm Bowaev, what's your name? 

The teen:B-Bobot...

Bowaev:Wow! That's so cool!

Bobot was shock. They didn't ran away when he talked. Then Bowaev helped Bobot with getting up. Bobot putted his eye away  and saw more people coming but he was too focus on this one called Bowaev.

Bowaev:I really lov your helmet it's really pog!


Bowaev:so... you wanna hangout with me and my gang group, their really fun!!

Bobot:umm... I don't know,  I meanim M free but your crewmates don't even k-know me...

Bowaev:it's okay!  I'll introduce you to them! Come on, don't be a slow poke

Bobotgrab by the hand the one called Bofo. Bobot was introduced to all of them.

June 15 2021

Bobot's pov

Ugh, Boder saw my face!! He's going to hate me now, my is ugly and I k now it!! I'll always be a stupid horrifying person. I wanted to tell him not to tell anyone but I'm afraid he'll do it, no matter what. 

A few minutes after

We were heading to the car but then I maked my move. I stopped Boder. I told his that I saw him look and I told him about and he was surprise. I told that I dislike it but he hug me and I was almost crying.  Boder embrace me with a four arm hug.

Later After we ate me and Boder talked and now I was looking at the window and opened now I felt the breeze and so did Boder, after that we went to bed and called it a night.

End of chapter 10


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