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A slap went against my face. "You fucking bitch, you disgust me, you slut!" My mother yelled. My eyes trailed to my 4 year old brother who was backed up against my bedroom door while my step father stood over him.

"Get the fuck away from him-" I was going to yell but another kick was made against my stomach, causing me to fall. "You whore, how dare you talk to my husband like that" my mother yelled. Husband huh? At least she doesn't expect me to call him my dad. 

"Noona" Haneul cried from the other side of the room. "You worthless trash" My mother screamed at my face. "N-noona" Haneul whimpered from the corner where my beloved step father stood over him, angrily glaring down at him. My mother continued to kick and punch my fragile body before my bastard of a step father pulled her away.

Of course saying some bullshit like, "don't worry honey, she's not worth you time and strength" or "the bitch needs to get back to the strip club for our drugs". Bold of them to assume, I'd give my money to them.

Yes, I worked in a strip club, not as what you think though. I worked as a waiter for the men who came to see girls in little to no underwear dance on metal poles which looked extremely painful if you accidently hit your shin while attempting to gather millions, serving them drinks after drinks until our guards had to lift them up to get them out.

Yes, it was shameful, but nothing else gave me enough money to cover the costs of my parent's debt. Many men would try to rope me into bed too, thinking I was some stripper but...I wasn't and after doing research, I found that I was payed 4 times more than an regular bartender at a club.

Balancing Uni was also hard as fuck, many boys I'd seen on the campus were normally at the strip club until 4-5 am, lying to our teachers that they were up all night playing on PS5s. If any of them saw me I'd be screwed, words spread quick. 

Kim Sulli works at a strip club

What a title.

So avoiding them was difficult. What else besides seeing drunk classmates at a strip club, to abusive parents, to slutty bitches, to trying to keep my family out of danger by paying these gangs my mother and step father would borrow gambling and drug money.

My baby brother Haneul, who was barely 4 years old, I guess my mother considered him a mistake after she had me and was kicked out of my grandfather's business, which wasn't even that big but yet they still had more money than the average person, because she couldn't conceive a boy to take over after him. Fucking sexist bitches.

I hated my family with a passion but the only thing that kept me going was Haneul, my dear Hannie. I was just about 19, so you probably know what many people thought when we would walk down the road together, not that I cared, but didn't want to be seen as a slut.

My life was fucked up and besides my brother none else in it that I truly cared for.

Fake Smiles~ Jung JaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now