Safe And Sound

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Belle probably looked crazy with all the wedding getup and all the dirt and dry blood and nature like things on her body her veil, tore in places and hair all wild, but right now all Belle cared about was seeing Kurtz and making sure he was safe, so she marched right up to the front desk of the intensive care unit and asked the nurse of Riverdale General to see him. The nurse in question June, was a black lady in her mid fifties and she smiled sympathetically "Sweetheart, all I can tell you right now is that, the boy is fighting for his life right now" Belle wanted to break down and cry. No. She wanted to scream he needs more time is what she wants to say he needs to be with her, he can't die not now.

June looked up at Belle " I know this is against protocol and everything but go to him sweetheart because he's going to need it" Belle with her wedding heels still on her feet ran to the elevator and she heard the lady shout room 102! She then reached room 102 in record time, and sees him there lifeless and all sorts of tubes no get well cards and flowers it's just a plain sterile room, lifeless and no joy the ultimate unwelcomest room Belle has ever been in at least in her lifetime.

"Fight for me" she whispers as if he can hear her Belle read somewhere that he could somewhere but she needs a sign anything that he's still in there.

"You know I love you so much like my parents and my siblings and Buddy I love but you I can't live without you, so please God whoever I don't care please don't take him yet." Belle cried she prayed she did both anything just so Kurtz would open his eyes again so she wouldn't see his lifeless body in a grey nightgown heart slowly beating barley working.

She knew it was foolish but she kissed him on  his forehead then on his lips she knew that stuff only existed in fairytales but she had to try then she sat down just staring at him hoping he would show any sign of life within himself.

Then she started to bawl again and beg over and over she then heard "Princess don't cry I hate seeing you cry" Immediately Belle sprang from the chair she was sitting on and onto his bed "Kurtz! Your alive! I can't believe oh I was crying and praying so hard for a few minutes actually the doctors and nurses didn't think you were going to make it and I-"

He then shushed me "it's okay Princess, I'm fine a little sore but I made it through it was actually hearing your voice that gave me the strength to pull through" immediately Belle widened her eyes "Really ? " Kurtz nodded. " I had the weirdest dreams actually I dreamed that everyone came to save us then I blacked out, I then saw you pregnant actually and we lived in Tennessee actually a nice rustic house and we were happy,  so happy, then it changed I saw my mother she looked content and peaceful and I swear she kissed me on my forehead and told me to come back because you were waiting for me"

Belle couldn't believe it but she could, she was glad that Kurtz saw his mother again but she was also alarmed that he saw their future but she had to realize all this magical stuff was getting to her and that it was just a dream, so for now she just nodded as if understanding and she just let Kurtz hold her and they both napped together as they were both exhausted.

After, a good nap Belle headed home it was nighttime and she didn't want her parents to get worried luckily her parents were not up and her siblings were fast asleep Buddy asleep in his bed we also fast asleep which she was grateful for, Belle then tiptoed upstairs and went into her bedroom and lightly shut her door she then stripped everything off into a big pile to deal with tomorrow no doubt to be rid of it and she decided to shower and change for tonight.

Glad to be back in her own bed Belle's snuggled up in the covers and dreamt about a speedy recovery for Kurtz.

Luckily, a speedy recovery did come as summer did as well the whole school seemed to welcome summer with open arms since all the G&G activity and The Black Hood resurfacing, it was safe to say Riverdale High was ready for summer I monitored Kurtz as much as I could and we both passed our junior year , we both were glad and honestly Kurtz was in shocked the whole day.

We decided to skip out celebrating with the gang at Pop's, my parents however decided to take my siblings and themselves away for the summer so all I had to do was take care of Buddy for the whole summer which seemed easy enough.

I also decided to waitress at Pop's or put my application in I knew I would get it ( Ps. Kurtz's was happy but I feel like he would want to see me in a skirt tbh he's such a boy sometimes.) My siblings would start at Riverdale High next year which would be an interesting task..... Allen, Archie's cousin had moved in permanently much to Cassandra-Grace's dismay. Every time Jughead visits now Jellybean asks to tag along no doubt to see my brother Apollo which usually ends up with them bickering but I knew sooner or later something would happen, it's just the matter of when.

But now as I sat here by a peaceful lake in between the North and South side of Riverdale As  I just glanced down at the beautiful boy in front of me and wanted to enjoy the summer of our junior year of high school.

That's the end of S3!!! ( hope this wasn't a horrible wrap up but I tried my bestttt.)

1. What do you want to happen in S4 ?

2. Favorite character of the book ?

3. Characters I should expand on ?

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Bad Boy With A Crazy Mind And His Princess (Riverdale Kurtz Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now