New Beingings , New School , New Friends

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My parents decided to unpacked we all helped of
course doing our part in the family Buddy ran around  the place and was excited with it I smiled" "at least  someone was happy to move ".  I thought to myself. My parents were exhausted as was I when we were done unpacking as well as my siblings so we decided to go to this diner named Pop's Choc'lit Shoppe even though my parents hated eating out they did this just once. My parents ordered a salad as I did. But Apollo and Cassandra - Grace ordered a burger fries and milkshakes I cringed but didn't say anything. My parents discussed about school and making new friends plus they especially warned me about boys my age I was so confused but I just took there word for it. I decided to go for a walk when I noticed a shirtless red haired boy jogging with his dog I shielded my eyes. The boy laughed I'm Archie Andrews I curtseyed Belle Amelia Marie Juliet Robertson. Wow you have really good manners for your age Archie said. Why thank you Mr. Andrews my parents taught me the proper manners and etiquette of a lady I was sucking on a strawberry lollipop care for one Mr. Andrews? I asked or perhaps some Carmel ? I took out of my dress pockets no thank you I should get going Archie's dog Vegas was very friendly and liked to lick me a lot I laughed he likes you he smiled yeah I guess he does well see you around Mr. Andrews and I curtseyed and turned around and headed back to my house.
I walked into the house Mom and Dad were getting worried but I told them you were talking to a neighbor Cassandra said. He's so dreamy Cassandra he's like 16 so a girl can dream his girlfriend must be very lucky you should have seen your face you were blushing the whole time because he was shirtless. I just decided to go to bed early I get up early so I didn't have to worry about setting an alarm my mother made a kale omelet with onion and tomato's for me Cassandra and Apollo as well as my dad. My dad kissed my mother good morning and I thought it was cute they were hands down the best couple ever.
I was wearing this

I was wearing this

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