" Are We Offical"?

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I wake up to the sound of utter chaos and I wondered where I was , I wasn't at my house that was for sure because my parents mostly my father didn't tolerate it and wanted everything to run smoothly .
To my surprise I was at Riverdale General Hospital , I then remembered what happened last night and blush Kurtz and I kissed and I really liked it .

I then see my mom rush in here looking unusually frazzled with Archie , Archie looks confused but I give him a look and he registers on what happened.

"I was worried on why you didn't come home last night Belle your father and I were  worried ". She says , but gives me a knowing wink I then respond with that I made the executive decision to stay with Kurtz because I was afraid of leaving him alone and I didn't want him to be lonely either since he literally had no one.

Archie rubs his neck awkwardly, "I saw your mom walking Buddy and wanted to give her a ride here , I hope Kurtz is okay , despite not being on good terms with Jughead and all".

I smiled kindly , "that's very kind of you Archie , but I think Kurtz is ready to go home, that is if the doctor  says it's okay for him too".
Archie then goes outside the room and it's just me  and my mom . "I lied to your father and said you were staying over at a friend Betty's house , which I know is not true because I have never seen her around the house but it's the only name I could think of ."

I looked at her with wide eyes but then she said, " I know you care a lot about this boy and I can see he brings out the best in you I haven't seen you like this in a long time , but your father has sheltered you long enough and It would be a crime to not let you live your life".

"Just promise me you'll go to school today ". she said .

"I will , I promise ".

My mom then left with Archie , and I then waited for the doctor , but my thoughts were self doubtful.

He'll leave you

Who would want me

But , I push those  dreadful thoughts away as soon as the doctor comes in the depression light gray hospital room, the doctor says all the poison got out of his system and as soon as he wakes up he can be released, he said he doesn't recommend Kurtz going back to school til tomorrow so he can get rest so his body doesn't shut down.

I agree and then he leaves the discharge papers , and I finally let out the breath , I didn't know I had been holding all this time.

To my surprise , Kurtz finally wakes up and I note he is a heavy sleeper even with all the commotion going on at the hospital.

He smiles wearily , I smile back he then says " Can I leave the hospital". I say that we can and then I hand the discharge papers that we filled out together and hand them to a nurse, that hands Kurtz his clothes he then goes into the rest room while I gather the belongings, another nurse on the way out asked if we needed a wheelchair and Kurtz replies with a rude remark while I give him a stern look when politely declining to the helpful nurse.

Since Riverdale High , is within walking distance we decide to walk but we then walk in uncomfortable silence.

Please god take me anywhere but here

Kurtz breaks the silence with , "So the kiss?"

I then answer because it would be impolite to not answer, "What about it I ask"? , curiously.

"Did you um , like it cause I understand if you want to be with a guy like Andrews because well he's a great guy and I'm just , well nobody"-

I cut him off by kissing him passionately and , I say "I don't regret anything from last night ".
He smiles that smile that could light up and whole damn room and he laughs happily.

"That's great cause I don't regret anything either ". He replies.

We both have smiles on the way to school, even though I have the clothes on I had on yesterday and did sleep in them I decided I didn't want to be late for school , I also noticed Kurtz didn't go away from the school either to change and he came in with me , and to say we got a lot of stares would be an understatement.

Oh great my life just got more complicated

I still had one thing I wanted to ask Kurtz but before I could, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek abc said "Bye, Princess ".  He then sped off to his first period class so he wouldn't be late .

Are we official?

AUTHORS NOTE : IM BACK okay well we are quarantined and I decided to update because we are in quarantine and I am slowly loosing my mind

Question Time :D

1. Favorite Quote from the chapter?
2. Favorite Charter so Far ?
3. Ship name ?

4. Favorite Fanfic you've read ?


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