First Dates

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School then finally got out as I was chatting with Darla someone decided to scare me from behind.

"AHHH " and someone shushed me as Darla's eyes went wide then the ginger haired girl spoke.

"Kurtz Wilson is right behind you and laughing like a maniac I have pepper spray , if you need it ." She said.

"That won't be necessary besides me and Kurtz are dating , Darla.

Darla just looked at me like I had just told her Santa Clause wasn't real.

"Belle I love you and your my , best friend but your what?" She said mouth gaped open.

"You heard me what's so bad about dating Kurtz anyways". Then I see Kurtz snake his arms around me.

"Yeah Muggs what's the problem with dating me"?

Darla looked flustered and embarrassed "nothing I'm happy I truly am but people would start to talk, also make rumors".

"It's a small town Belle I just don't want you to get hurt".

"Darla I'll be fine ", I put my hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"I guess I don't have a fan", Kurtz said putting up his hoodie ,"it's fine let people talk I don't care I still have the new girl reputation anyways plus my mother and siblings love you animals included.

"It's not them I worry about it's your father", "I'm clearly not his biggest fan and I feel like I could be better".

"Shut up " , and I kiss him he taste like candy and he smells so heavenly "you're perfect Kurtz and I trust you he'll come around".

We sat in comfortable silence until he said "Belle I have something to ask you , and I hope you say yes".

"What is it"? , silently hoping he ask me to be official and go on a date with him.

"Will you go on a date with me tonight , after you tutor me"?

I jumped and threw my arms around him, "YES a thousand times yes".

"And yes we are official I love you so much Belle ".

We kissed on the street on the way to my house what felt like hours and then we talked excitedly about were we wanted to go but of course it all cane down to Pop's .

"I'll have to ask my parents permission first ".

"Alright , I'm sure your mom would agree I'm not sure about your dad though".

And we went inside I decided to tell my parents after me and Kurtz studied for the whole afternoon while occasionally talking and laughing.


1. Predictions?

2. Favorite quote ?

3. Favorite Character so far?

4. Who do you want to see more of in the story or more interactions with ?

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