Candy Rots Teeth

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I stood there in absolute shock and Betty did too mostly the fact that I could speak even at an early age I hated seeing violence or people getting killed and today was no exception. Then I heard the edgy looking boy and his accomplice come down. Who yelled at me nobody yells at me the boy yelled I was shaking I didn't want any trouble especially on the first day then all of a sudden the boy looked ahead and saw another boy with a beanie yelling at him I assumed he was Betty's boyfriend since she was trailing behind him KURTZ WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS Betty's boyfriend yelled oh back off Jones like I give a shit about this Northside trash school anyways and he pushed past the boy but then the Principal showed up. Principal Weatherbee was his name Mr. Wilson my office now being the good person I am I decided to follow the principal and the boy to the principal's office this is my last straw with you Mr.Wilson I know you've ran from foster homes but it is time to grow up you can't get high or smoke weed or smoke in general whenever you feel like it you are failing now if someone who is a good influence doesn't change you soon your switching schools again. Does it look like I give a shit old man someone had the nerve to defy me and I'm going to find out who the bitch was. It was me I softly say Ms. Robertson have you been listening the whole time Mr.Weatherbee says I have and I just wanted to know I never meant to step in but hurting people is wrong I say sucking on my lollipop. Did you know candy rots your teeth the boy said. She'll tutor you and hopefully make you a better person Mr.Wilson the boy looks me up and down and I blush I like challenges. He then walked over to me what's your name princess umm Belle I said he laughed what a beautiful name and your name means "Beauty" in French we"ll have fun while you tutor me I'm Kurtz sorry I put on the wring introduction front it's fine I said one things for sure this boy is crazy and insane but he's kinda of cute.
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