11th of March, 2014- DarkContentment

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A/N- Before writing this, i just want to say that i really thought hard about whether to write this dream or not. This was honestly the worse dream i've ever had, and it's hard for me to relive it. As hard as it may be however, i wrote in my journal, so it's only fair that i write it in here. I don't mention it much, and this is really the first eye-opener i've had that dreams can be dangerous, so be careful. i really believed, while having this dream, that i was doing everything in real life, and it was the worst, most traumatic feeling i've ever experienced, so please be careful when writing down every nightmare you have, as you are supposed to write the good ones as well. I guess i never really expected them to get this bad.


My brother and i were sitting quite comfortably ontop of a hill on our mum and stepdad's property, overlooking the paddock with two of our shetland horses, and the quarry.

I thought it was me at first, but a quick glance at Josh confirmed what i was hearing: chanting.

The voices were coming from children, younger than 10 i assume. The tops of their heads were only just visible atop the quarry hill, many of them, all behind one another, their heads down. They were still far away, though i could still see their lips move in sync and hear their low voices coming from their throats. I don't understand what they were saying.

Alarm tore across my face as soon as Josh stood suddenly. I was frozen in fear as to what he would do, hoping the children would pass if we left them alone. He was about to ruin it.

And he did ruin it, when he started yelling.

I mean, he really got angry, angrier than i've ever seen him, and i had no idea why. I grabbed at the bottom of his grey top and urged him to be quiet and sit down. I told him i didn't understand why he was yelling, so he turned to be and he said, "I don't like who they are and what they do. It's disgusting."

Just as the words sunk in and i remained confused, we both noticed the chanting was louder and the children had stalked closer, walking faster. What phased us the most, is they had turned into our block. They were coming to our house.

I started to panic. Josh forced me to stand, our feet sinking in the sand with each step we took to the front door. I knew the  children were running by this time as well, and i swear i could almost feel their cold fingers clawing at my back.

The door was already open. I threw myself inside and slid it shut before the first child's arm could wedge itself between the wall fully.

Looking at their faces didn't occur to me. There were many open entries to the house, and it wouldn't be long until the children figured it out. I still didn't know who they were or why they wanted to hurt my family, but i had no time to think about it, and i had no time to close up the house, and i did what i needed to do while my mum was sitting on the lounge completely unaware; i grabbed a steak knife, and turned around just as they rushed in from every angle.

Hacking at them was easy. Too easy. If i simply stabbed them, i couldn't be confident they were dead, and at any moment they could kill me when my gaurd was down, so i needed to be sure. The only way to do that was to remove their head.

So everytime i hacked at the kids, i slid the knife across their throat and their neck would easily slice open, and it'd be one less threat to deal with.

One of them got their hands around my throat, and she pushed so hard i thought my neck would snap,and it occured to me quickly that i only had a few seconds to act, but when i hacked it became difficult to saw all the way through. I had to use all my energy to gruesomly cut open her throat until she was gargling on the kitchen tiles, along with the other children.

After i got up, i turned around to find the kitchen, dining, loungeroom, and bathroom to be empty. I checked every room twice, stopping at my little brothers when a lump caught my eye. There he was, sitting on his Ipod, with a lump crawling towards him. I had climbed his stairs, thrown back his blankets', and brought the knife down on another little girl. I held her down, and cut off her head.

I checked my room to find it empty, but i wasn't convinced. Not even when my mum and sister came up to me, expressionless, and said they were all gone. I couldn't let myself believe it. They could be hiding anywhere, waiting for when we slept, slaughtering us when we didn't expect it. I needed to find them. It was then that i let my eyes drift over the floors.

The bodies of children were sprawled across the floor, everywhere, with every childs head beside it's body, the blood was flowing like a river. At that moment, i let myself feel it. A part of me hated the children for putting me in that position, where i had to choose to kill them, or let my family die. And a part of me hated myself, for sitting on that hill in the first place and allowing myself to do what i did.

Despite my family standing infront of me, i sunk to my knees and i forced myself to stare at all the kids that have homes, families, friends. And i killed them all.

For the first time in my life, i awoke like i errupted from water, gasping for air and reliving every moment of my dream in my mind.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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