Out-Of-Body Experiences

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A/N- Okay dudes and dudettes listen closely. I have noticed alot of peeps interested in out-of-body experiences. So many of you are like ' i want to try it but it looks so scary, kayla can you please tell me how to do it safely?" 

Well i'm going to answer it for all of you :) there's absolutely no way of doing it safely. I mean, an out-of-body experience is pretty crazy, but i'm going to give you guys my advice anyway, because i love you all.

First, we need to work out what it is o:

alright, its abit difficult to explain so i'm going to skip the crap and give it to you straight, like i always do. An out-of-body experience involves spiritually leaving your body. It's like you're a ghost, i dont know how else to explain it. Basically, when having an Out-of-bod experience you  float and watch yourself from a distance. For all of you worrying about your body walking away somewhere, don't, because you're bod is completely motionless without you. While you may be flying or whatever you want to do, your bod is just a ship waiting for it's pilot. 

For all you crazy dudettes and dudes out there, i'm going to give you a few steps to achieving an OBE (thats what it shall be called.)

Step One- Talk to yourself
Even i laughed abit at this one, because i know it sounds crazy, but you need to tell yourself you want to have an OBE. Honestly guys, i talk to myself all the time, not about having an OBE, and its either a sign you're crazy, or it actually helps you along your way in life :')

Soo, when decided you want to experience an OB experience, go to sleep everynight or wake up everymorning, or specifically when you are hell relaxed, just whisper it yourself, not seductively, not angrilly, but calmly. 'I want to have an OBE.' (Don't say OBE though guys, come on.)

Quite a short step, but do you guys need anymore explaining? Didn't think so.

Step Two- Get yourself Edumacated
I'm sick of getting inboxes about all this dream shit (beautiful shit) you all want to do and you dont even know anything about it!
I mean, thats what im here for, but guys, read about it. Either on the internet, or a magazine, or emails if anyone still has one, whatever. You should all want to know what you're getting yourself into. Sometimes guys, my guidance may not be enough to prepare you, and OBE'S can be fucking scary, so don't rely on me to give you every single bit of information you need. Take  care of yourself and read up on what you're about to do, so there's no little monsters that surprise you. (Once again, i gave you guys warnings, so you cant sue me :))

Anyway, reading about OBE'S not only prepare you, they make your mind conscience that they even exist, and that's when you start to believe in yourself more, and that's when the magic happens. 

Step Three- Creativity
I had to really think about whether to include this in my guide or not, because its not just about being creative. No, i dont mean to pretend you're having an OBE, because i'm pretty sure it's impossible, unless you have some doll that looks exactly like you like on Coraline. I wish i did.
The reason i was thinking about this, is because creativity doesn't really cause OBE'S, as much as you can imagine creative stuff, your creative brain/personality/cat/hair won't give you an OBE.

So the reason you have to try to be creative is, at the start of an OBE you feel yourself literally climbing out of your own body (its pretty fucking disturbing actually guys, once again, im warning you all) but first, you need to imagine it. I guess it does play a big part in it, but for those who are as solid and straight and boring as a straightened circle you dont need to worry. Honestly, all you have to do is relax pretty much, and you dont need to be a god of creativity to picture yourself flying away from your body. I do it all the time, and if i can do it i then i believe in you!

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