27th February, 2014 - Anon

16 3 0

I had no idea what day it was. Ed (my Stepdad) had dropped me off at the Mandurah forum and waited near dusk while i set about handing out my resumes'. I needed a job.

I wondered about for awhile among empty halls only to realise that i had not seen a single person since i left Ed. Until i rounded a corner to where Big W used to be.

Josh (my brother) and his bestfriend Jordan were behind me somehow. They asked if i'd like to join them, and without knowing what i was getting myself into, i gladly agreed and followed them into Big W.

Only, it wasn't Big W at all. Atleast, not the one i remember. The insides were replaced with the scenery of a foresy. The forum tiled floor broke off into dirt and mulch. In the background stood tall pine trees that had grown so close together it looked impossible to get past them. I didn't try, instead i focused on the large olive-green couches that were all facing me. Sitting on the five leather cushions, were all of Joshes friends, and Josh. I had met them all before and they seemed nice enough, so i took the sixth cushion and smiled politely while they talked amongst themselves.

Not even a minute had passed, when i spun around from the couch to get a better look at my surroundings, and found a face surprisingly staring back at me. A shocked noise forced its way from my throat. How did they get there? I looked around to find they couldn't have possible come through the trees.

The boys didn't notice, the looked at the two boys on motorbikes, greeted them, and continued on with their little conversations.

The boy closest to me, however, couldn't stop smiling at me. It didn't seem like a kind smile, or the polite one you give friends. It carried a deeper meaning i couldn't understand. It was almost unfriendly. His teeth were perfectly aligned inside his mouth, and the dimples from his smile did not reach his shining eyes. It felt familiar to be looking into his face, like i had met him, or seen that smile before, but i was too busy piecing together what he could possibly be thinking to get a better look at him.

He directed his smile slowly to my brother, and opened his mouth. To me, it sounded like nothing came out, but the relaxed and content smile the boys had abruptly disappeared. It all snapped together after that. For them, anyway.

One of the boys stood from the lounge, fists clenched, face of stone, directed at the boy behind me.

"Leave it, man," Josh told his friend casually. At first, the other boy listened to him and began to sit down, until the boy on the motorbike made a sarcastic comment, and Josh's friend snapped back with a ghastly swearword, that only made him angry. The man i recognised got off his motorbike and kicked Josh's friend in the chest, the impact being so surprising and breathtaking that he was pushed over the edge of the lounge and lay on the dirty gasping for air.

I thought it was a small fight, but his wrath didn't end there. Slowly, he began making his way around the lounge, kicking everyone he came across in the chest, putting them on the ground all gasping for air. Then he got to me.

I didn't want to get kicked. It really looked painful.

He smiled his perfect, unfriendly smile, "You ready, Josh's sister?" He lifted his leg and prepared to kick me.

I had a sudden burst of anger rush through me at what he was doing. The guy didn't know me, and i certainly didn't know him. None of Josh's friends, or Josh, deserved this, and he hurt them anyway.

I leaned forward before he had a chance to carry out his kick, and laid my teeth into his jeans as hard as i could, making him jump in surprise, pulling me down ontop of him as he fell back onto the dirt.

He struggled underneath me while i tried to knock him out a little bit, just enough for us all to get away, or for me to tie him to the tree so he couldn't hurt anyone. His other friends weren't a problem. They sat on their bikes with a conflicted look crossing their face. They didn't want to hurt anyone.

He was moving towards his motorbike and as i glanced up, i saw a gun lying just a metre from his hand.

In panic, i tried to punch him, to get my plan into action quicker, but my arms were all tangled under his weight, and he was so much faster than me.

He reached his gun, aimed it up at me, and pulled the trigger.

I felt a large pull within my chest. At first, i felt fine and was ready for round two, but then i saw a slight spray of blood pour out on the ground, and an uncontrollable gasp left me.

I fell on my back and my eyes let themselves stare at the stars that i didn't know were above us. It felt extra beautiful somehow, and i was quite okay with just staring at them while i died. 

In the distance, i heard Josh call out my name, pain all over his voice.

My murderer stood up after i fell backwards, and soon after i heard his motorbikes engine roar and ride away, leaving my dead body on the forest floor.

Then i woke up.

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