23rd May, 2014 - Anon

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This time i dreamt of a ghost.

It had just become night time, and i had my shower to get ready for bed. For some reason, i had wanted mums  attention. There was something i needed to ask her. As she had already gone to bed, it must have been important for me to want to wake her up.

I had only knocked on her door when i felt a certain chill in the room. I live in a shed, and usually if it is cold outside, it is colder inside, but this cold felt different. I knew for a fact when i had gone outside to turn the light off earlier it was a warm night. There was no reason for the shed to be cold.

Something got my attention, and i looked from mums sliding door to the long, blue curtains flickering. There was no wind. It was if someone was behind them, pushing them away while sucking them back. And, what put me on edge, was everytime the curtain was sucked back, it re-shaped itself into a human form. It was as if someone was actually behind it. 

I opened mum's door slightly and whispered to her, putting aside my other question, and trying to tell her what was happening with our curtains, when in the corner of my eye i saw them stop moving and drop still. Not into the shape of a human, but flat, like whatever  was behind it had vanished. Or moved.

Then i heard footsteps. loud and heavy, as if made by boots, coming closer to where i was standing outside mums door.

I called mum's name a last time but sunk at her annoyed response, telling me to leave her alone.

The footsteps stopped in front of me, strong palms, the palms of a man, closed around my throat and lifted me from the floor. I felt my breath slowly leave me.

Then i woke up.

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