18th November, 2014- Anon

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In this dream I ended up walking into a shed- it was very small and the air seemed humid.

Someone was there with me but its difficult to remember who. All I know was that no one was allowed outside. I didnt know why, but I was told-it was more of a hunch- that something was roaming the trees outside. It was dangerous to go out there.

I honestly dont know why I did it, but I went outside. And I saw the creature walking exactly where it was said it would be. It was a Wolf standing on its hind legs, walking slowly, almost gracefully, among the few trees.

Then it must have heard me, because it looked straight at me, even though it was miles away. It ran towards me, holding its claws in the air hungrily. There was drool coming out of its mouth, and it wasted no time in trying to kill me when it was close enough.

It was ripping me to pieces. The Wolf moved so fast that it was almost impossible for me to get away. My face was bleeding into my hands, my back stinged from the wounds the wolf so mercilessly inflicted.

I ran back in the shed, and it followed, pounding on the door, every bang knocking it further off its hinges.

I startes to run. The person I was with had left me and ran the opposite way. Somehow, I knew the shed, and I knew where I could go to escape.

I knew there was nowhere to hide, and I didnt want to take the risk of being cornered, so I unlocked the back door and ran into the trees. I felt it begin to follow me, but I couldnt look back and risk slowing down.

The Wolf caught up fast, tackling me to the ground like a tiger, slashing more at my already bloodied-up face. I managed to push its furry chest away long enough to communicate with it and have it listen to me.

I reasoned with it and demanded that it give me one chance at a game of Hide and Seek. If I won, I could leave. If I lost, id let it eat me.

He agreed-i dont know how or why- but I thought to myself what would be a good place to hide. Then it occured to me that the Wolf knew the place better than I did, and we never really made up any rules for the game.

I would go off property, where I was sure he didnt know the area as well as the property, and maybe if I hid well enough I could sneak off.

The Wolfs back was turned and I ran, I jumped the fence as quickly and quietly as I could. Looking for the nearest hiding spot, I took in the farmland around me. There was a large shed that seemed to block the view from the Wolf, so I ran to it and crouched low on the sand.

I held my breath for about two minutes when I heard the familiar tapping of its paws, coming closer. I turned and there it was coming towards me. That was it, he found me.

His hungry eyes glowed more the closer he ran. He stopped when he was a foot away from me and his eyes seemed to say it all.

It screamed "I found you."

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