12th April, 2014 - Anon

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In my dream, i was known for my adventurous personality. Many times i had gotten on the bus and found myself in different countries. (Dont ask me how, i have noo idea)

One particular time, when i boarded the bus, all my friends were on it. When i walked up the stairs an elderly woman offered me the space next to her, which i gratefully accepted.

Somehow, my friend Jess and i got off. The bus had dropped us in Mexico, so we were pretty happy. I told Jess i had brought money, so we could go to every taco/nacho shop we wanted.

We walked into an empty room next to a shop on the corner of the street the bus had dropped us off at. I dont know why, when there was a perfectly good shop next to it, but we went in, and as i turned around, two dark-skinned mexicans were staring at us. It wasn't a good stare, and i immediately felt uncomforable, but i thought being rude would only put us in more danger, so when they waved i waved back and smiled politely. My plan didn't workm, because they walked towards us.

There was noone in the shop to help us. One put his filthy hands on Jess. He forced her onto pointy straw sticking up from the floor of the room, and slowly removed her clothes. The other Mexican watched as he raped her in front of me, and when it ended, she dropped dead. That man left, having got his satisfaction. I was left with her dead body, and the other man staring at me hungrily.

I got out my phone quickly, aware that i was being watched while i dialed Giuls's number to ask for help. Who knows, maybe he somehow got to Mexico too. He answered straight away, but as loudly and clearly as i talked, he couldn't hear me. There was nothing i could do as the man walked towards ne. I was shaking as he moved his body behind me and positioned himself.

I cant remember it, which i am extremely grateful for. He left soon after, but i was not dead. I was laying next to my friend on the straw, still and silent, until the elderly woman from the bus came and rescued me.

It was later, that i was with my cousin Ethan, walking through a bush, looking at snakes and deciding whether they were real or not, when the full impact of what happened sunk it. It had been a bad week. Everyone knew. Every message i got on facebook, every email, was an apology. It was sweet that everyone cared, but the messages didn't bring Jess back, and it certainly didn't bring back my pride or self respect.

I ran from Ethan in panic while he tried to calm me down. All i remember was perching on a barbeque i ran too, my whole body shaking. It was the worst day of my life, and nothing i could do, even after i woke up, would let me forget it.

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