9th June, 2014 - Anon

12 0 0

My boyfriend went missing.

Except, i didn't understand that in my dream. I knew i was looking for someone, but i didn't know who it was until i felt this longing, this emptiness. I knew i needed him, and i knew at that moment, he needed me.

I had joined a group to help look for him. I dont remember the names of the people i spent my time with, but i remember there was an old lady, a man, and a woman, and we were in - what looked like- an antique shop.

For every superheroe, there is a villian, so of course, people were after us. But first, we had time to spare before they burst into the shop with their guns and their creepy masks. I  was never involved in making plans, they always seemed to do it without me, but that's okay, i always agreed with their plans. They were better than what i could come up with. Anything that led to me finding Giuls was fine with me.

The first getaway plan was simple. Our enemies went in the front door with their guns, while we went out the back. They weren't smart enough to have the rest of their group the cover the back, so we took the opportunity to sneak out. The girl and i hid ourselves in the back of the truck we ran into outside. By then, our enemies had finished looking through the front and had seen us outside, shooting at us. At the time, i was thinking about what would happen after we escaped, too preoccupied to notice the wound in my shin, and it wasn't until we got to the next house that i truly felt the pain the bullet inflicted. It was still there, buried inside my flesh.

I  thought the middle of my pants somehow just got wet - i mean, its a dream, those things happen- but the patch just kept getting bigger. I pulled up my leggings and saw the gun wound, and the blood pouring out of it. It covered my entire leg, and suddenly i felt dizzy.

I fell to the floor, the man and lady sat me on a crate, tending to my wound so i wouldn't die so quickly into our rescue mission. But it was too late, and they knew it, and so did it. I couldn't hear what they were saying anymore. 

I never knew if they found my boyfriend. I hope they did. Sure, i died, but the dream felt so real to the extent where i truly hoped they would find my man and bring him home.

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