Lucid Dreaming

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A/N- Hey guys, so lately i have been getting alot of inboxes, and i cant help but realise alot of people really want to lucid dream. I feel you, guys. I have only had one lucid dream, and I can tell you, it's pretty intense. You can control everything, and if you dont like something thats happening, you can change it. It's as simple as thinking, or wanting a different environment or attitude in your dream. It's all up to you! But i know im not really helpful, so im going to give you dudes a few tips on getting the lucid dream thing up and running.

First tip- Keep a dream journal
This is partly why i started writing this journal. My boyfriend bought me a nice cute journal last Christmas, and ever since then i have been writing my dreams in it. But i only write my nightmares, because one day, way in the future, i want people to dig it up and read all the scary shit in there.

But you really shouldnt do that! If you want to lucid dream, you need to write every single dream in there. Even if you dont fully remember a dream, which happens alot to me, so mine rarely end up making sense, just write all you can remember down. Even if it skips into a completely unneccessary bit. This will help you remember your dreams, i guess thats why i have so many nightmares.
And no, dont just do a halfass job at writing them down, get that shit detailed. Write down every part of the dream you remember, and dont forget to write down the date, the day, and the year that dream took place. It doesn't really help lucid dreaming, but i like to remember when i had the dream, and when future dudes dig up my dream journal, i know if i didnt have the dates they will be confused.

Second tip- Make a habit of pinching yourself
They are called REALITY CHECKS. Alright, you dont need to pinch yourself. This tip is all about becoming familiar with a certain activity so you learn to do it in your dreams. It sounds complicated, i know, but all you have to do is do it everyday, its usually got to do with pain as well, so really make yourself hurt.

My habit is digging my nails into my palms on my left hand, and that one time i had a lucid dream, that action is what reminded me i was in a dream. Once you get that down, and you can tell you're in a dream, then you begin to think like you're awake. If you see something you dont like, all you have to do is be like 'IDONTLIKETHAT,' and decide you want to change it, and it will change.

Third tip- Get in touch with aromatherapy (the dream herb)
Now, i wasnt really sure if i should write this tip. I'm a big fan of aromatherapy and candles and all that stuff, but ive never had a lucid dream because of it. I meditate regularly and im mostly a calm person, which is supposed to contribute to having a lucid dream.

The reason for this is because if you're a chilled person, you have more of a chance of making more thought out decisions, and realising you're in a dream in the first place. If you're stressed, it is more likely that you are not going to really think about your dream and perform those REALITY CHECKS in the previous tip.

Howeverrrr, i have never tried dream herbs, although i really want to. The main, and many peoples prefered dream herb is called Calea Zacatechichi. My brother used this herb, as he was having pretty bad dreams and was told it would help him sleep, that is when he first had his lucid dream.

Calea Zacatechichi was founded by mexicans, blablabla, but the most important thing in its involvement to lucid dreaming is the reason it was introduced was solely for lucid dreaming. So im pretty confident that if you dudes try it, you will have your first lucid dream, but i have been told the dreams are pretty far off normal dreams, and i really dont know much about it, so read up on it before you try it.

Fourth tip- Recognise signs in dreams
This one is pretty important. In my dreams, i usually die and that makes me wake up. Yes, i have actually died, so for those of you weirdos who say if you die in your dreams you die in real life, you're full of crap. I'm perfectly alive i think.

Dream signs are usually something that shocks you, or makes you feel such an intense emotion that it is what wakes you up, whether its a bad dream, or a really good dream. My horse recently passed, and i had the most amazing dream of like, patting her, and i remembered she was dead so i wanted to make the most of it, but i felt so happy and i wanted the dream to last forever, and that woke me up.

This points you to that meditation thing again. In your dreams, as much as you want to show your emotions, you need to remain calm, especially during a lucid dream, because you can do whatever you want and whether it makes you happy or not you need to control your emotions if you want a longer lasting dream.

Fifth and last tip- Ask yourself questions
For me, the biggest thing for my lucid dream to be possible was to actually stop and ask myself the million dollar question: 'Am i dreaming?" 

That was really hard for me to do at first, I kept dreaming with the intention of asking myself that question but as soon as i went to sleep i forgot all about it. So it takes some time before it actually starts working.

Even if its not that million dollar question, ask yourself other things, try to remember where you last were. If you can remember falling asleep but you cant remember anything inbetween that got you to whatever location you ended up at, you're most likely dreaming, unless you have like, really bad anger problems. Or you're the hulk. 

Now, if you can remember falling asleep, then you can allow yourself to notice that you are dreaming, and thats how a lucid dream starts.


A/N- I  hope this helped you on your journey to Lucid Dream, its definitely been helping me. If any of you try that dream herb, i want to hear all about your experience! and remember, i didnt force you to take the herb, so if you die, or become that orange man in the Fantastic 4, you cant sue me :) remember to vote, comment, inbox, whatever, im pretty much always online so even if you need to talk about your dream, ill be here for you dudes! Happy Dreaming! xx

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