2nd February 2014 - Anon

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It was the night before school. I had told Giuls that i was staying at his house and waking up early to catch the train and go to school.

We decided to go exploring, and after searching many small areas, Giuls and i ran into a small abandoned building that was sitting in the middle of a well-looked after grassed and flowered flat bit of land, next to the main road.

As there was no door, we climbed up onto the roof to look for somewhere we could peek inside. But the roof was weak and unstable. It collapsed beneath us, and we both landed on a dusty concrete floor. Giuls landed near some dusty windows, towards the front of the building, while i landed on my back, somewhere in the middle of the building. 

We both checked we were okay, before searching around us, looking for anything interesting to take home. It wasn't  long before i found something, just far from what i expected. I turned around from where i was standing, and saw a shadow. It was in the shape of a man. His mouth stretched open in a large 'O.' Black flickers  of flame danced off the top of its head. 

Without warning, it rushed towards me, letting out a high-pitched shriek while its entire being flew through me. Screaming as loud as i can, i ran to get away from it, and ended up running right through the weak walls, with Giuls running after me in confusion, asking what it was that i had seen.

I couldn't talk about it. Literally, it was like my mouth was sewn shut. If i spoke, no sound would come out. All i could do was scream, and cry, and scream some more. And i did, because as soon as i left that small building i started to see that shadowed man everywhere, and always the same one, wearing the same shocked expression. It would always be standing and staring, directly at me.

One night i just couldn't handle it anymore. I saw that shadow for the last time, and i lost it; all i could do was scream and shake my head, telling myself that i had had enough. Giuls still didn't understand what was going on. That was okay, because i didn't either. He only got more confused when a tell man, with dark hair and tanned skin grabbed me. I slumped over his shoulder like i was dead.

From then on, it was like i was unconscious, or drunk. I could see everything, but i was frozen and unable to move. The man took me on a bus and sat me on a priority seat. Noone questioned him, or even looked twice at him. It seemed that carrying an unconcious girl on the bus was normal. 

The bus took us all the way to Mandurah from Perth, and stopped just opposite the school i attended, dropping us off outside a large house with glass windows either side of a wooden door. It was modern, the only modern house in the area, surrounded by bushland.

I turned around at that moment after the bus dropped me off, my body easily able to move again. I saw a little girl, and froze. She was standing on the other side of the road near the house, her dark hair long and ending behind her knees. She was wearing a yellow flower-patterned dress that went to her ankles. Slowly, her young mouth twisted into a satisfied smile.

For me, that was the last straw. After the man unlocked the door i ran past him and into the house. It did no good. The girl appeared right behind me. After awhile, i just got sick of it, and pointed my middle finger at her in anger. Her smile didnt fade, so i took a different approach, and gave her the laptop that was on a glass table, and politely told her to play The Sims. 

The people who owned the house, and the shadow who brought me there, only stared. They stared at me, confused as to what i was doing. It occured to me that they couldnt see the girl. The girl, however, looked at me with a gentle smile for the first time. She gratefully picked up the laptop, and sat peacefully in the corner, playing Sims, while i stood there wondering if i had been looking at everything the wrong way.

The living are just like ghosts, i guess.

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