10th December, 2014- Anon

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This man i know,  lets just call him Cole.
Cole lives with me, and on this particular day he was in a very bad mood. I followed him from our house to the gate, escorting out guests as we had just hosted a party. Cole kept swearing, saying something about his wife, calling her every dirty word he could think of. He told me to tell her she's a slut, and a whore.

So i started off toward the house, but before i could, Cole grabbed hold of my neck. I struggled, but his grip only tightened. Suddenly, i was angry that he was taking his anger on his wife out on me, and that gave me strength to squeeze out of his grip and run up to the house.

However, mum wasn't there. I dont know where she was, i looked everywhere. I was running, trying to find anyone in the house to save me. I live in the country. If noone was home but Cole then i have no hope.

It wasn't long until i felt his arms around me. He dragged me back into the bedroom, trying to pin me down while i struggled more. I didnt understand what id done to make him so angry, but i knew deep down that he wasnt angry with me.

I escaped, somehow i got out of his grip and ran out the door. I looked for a place to hide, and saw some bushes. I imagined myself crawling through them and Cole walking straight past me, so thats what i did. Minutes later, i saw the front door open and Cole came walking out, followed by my brother (lets call him Patrick). My brother ran out, obviously afraid of Cole as he ran after him. Thats when i saw Cole pull out something, a knife. And he threw it at Patrick. I was on edge, hoping to god it would miss Patrick and he could escape, but it buried deep into his back. My sister, (we will call her Malissa) looked out the front door of the house and i watched her run down the street with Cole unaware.

Patrick fell to the floor, blood pouring from his wound. He was clearly dead. A hiccup erupted from me, one i couldn't stop, and thats what gave me away. Cole looked towards me crouching in the bush, ran to me and grabbed me, dragging me back inside, leaving Patricks dead body in the middle of the road.

I was dragged back to the bed and tied, but he only tied my hands, leaving my feet, which i thought was pretty stupid. Cole smiled, and said he was to have a shower, promising he would hurt me after. I knew exactly what he meant and lay there in shock as the door slammed beside me.

Laying on the creaky bed, I listened for the pattering of water on tiles to tell me he was in the shower and distracted. I worked on the rope binding my hands, prepared to rip it, but with a slight pull it coiled and landed on my stomach. It was almost too easy that i thought it was a trap.

My whole body was shaking in fear he heard me, or that he turned the shower on without actually getting in it to spy on my reaction. But nothing happened, until Cole started to hum. I took the opportunity of extra noise to tiptoe to where i knew the garage was. I was walking barefoot down a hall and pulled open the door, scared out of my witts, locking myself inside.

The garage smelled of something rotten. It was so bad that covering my nose didnt help one bit. I was choking on the smell. I know i needed to get out. In the pitch black, i found the lever holding the door closed, and dragged it open with every strength i had, trying to be as quiet and as quick as possible. I shut it behind me.

Fresh air hit me, and i covered my shaking body with my arms. I knew it wasnt over yet until i was as far away from Cole as i could manage. So i started walking away, through the big black gate. The world was covered with sand, and all the cars parked on the side of the road were upturned. Something terrible must have happened.

I wished so much that I could have saved Patrick, that i could have ran away with Malissa so i would know she is okay.

My friend from school (call him David) was the only person walking towards me. Call me crazy, but in a way, i was looking for him. I still wasnt far enough from Cole, but at least with David, i was safer than before.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled at me, asking what i did today.

I didnt bother asking what happened outside, instead, i told him everything that happened. I was almost in tears with the fact that Cole, someone i had lived with for years, had almost hurt me so much. David, being the weirdo he is, had wanted to look inside the garage to find Cole.

I disagreed, but there wasn't much i could do. David walked up to the garage door, i explained the disgusting smell, and he was even more intrigued. He slid it open.

Light filled the garage, and what i saw sickened me. body bags, they were everywhere. David  covered his nose and looked  closer just as every body raised their hand. I screamed at David to shut the door and he panicked, closing it as every dead body rose and banged on the garage door.

David and i ran as fast as we could as the door burst open and naked dead bodies ran at us. David swung the big black gate shut as they flung their bodies at it and weighed it down. There was no lock for the gate that we could find. We had to hold it shut, but the more they swung their bodies against it, the weaker we were becoming.

"Run," David told me harshly, planning on holding the weight of the gate himself.

"No," I told him, "I'm not leaving you here to die."

He had pushed me away from the gate, yelling at me, swearing at me. I hugged him, realising if i stay here we are both going to die. Then i ran. I ran on the road, up a hill and stopped, looking back at the gate just in time to see it swing open and David yell as they started eating him. Then, they looked straight at me and started running. 

From then on it was like i was running in quicksand, i made it up one more hill before they reached me. I felt them rip my flesh apart. I was okay with it. After all, it was far better than laying on that bed, waiting for Cole to hurt me...

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