11th October, 2014 - Anon

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I was on a mission, with some people i cant even remember, i'm not even sure i knew them.

We had to go inside a pizza shop - something to do with something illegal the spanish owner did. We crept around the back at night time, with the knowledge that he lived there as well as work. We had hoped to sneak up on him and put him in handcuffs. We arrived in a courtyard, and stopped to look at a large matress surrounded by a garden.

Faster than i could comprehend, something forceful pushed me onto the matress. I had been shot. I tried rolling over, but the shots were constantly ringing in my ear. Holes were forming all over my body. ( you could say, i was Holy ha ha ha ha) The pain was unbearable, and the worst thing was that i couldnt die. I had to relive the pain of being shot in the stomach and the back all over again.

Just like that the mission was over. The bullet holes were still there. Bearing the pain, i went inside the shop. And for some ghastly reason, i ended up getting myself a job there.

The spanish owner was having a party that night, so i went into the spare room to change into more appropriate clothes. I told the kid inside the room to get the **** out, got changed, and walked out to a moonlit patio with people dancing, eating party food, drinking party drinks, dancing to party music.

Thats when things changed. People started getting shot. There was a man in a yellow sedan that began to chase me,aiming a gun and shooting me from the window.

It all felt so real. The bullets burnt as they buried in my skin, all leaving hollow holes. There was no blood.

Finally , i couldnt handle the pain for much longer. I obviously needed to get away. Somehow, i turned a bend a lost the car. I kept running. I ran through a spiderweb and arrived in some persons backyard.

The whole dream was a blur for a second, until i was with the group of people i needed to be with. I dont know why, but i just needed to be with them. I didnt know the people, and they hardly ever spoke to me. I kept running away, and they kept dragging me back, telling me they will keep me safe.

Everyone seemed evil. I arrived at a playground where i saw Kaiser, my little brother, and Nikita, my little sister.

Kaiser walked up to me. He was on a big ledge of the playground. I panicked, because there was a different, evil look in his eyes. I kicked him with no regrets, and he was pushed back. He fell off the ledge. I saw him fall,and i saw his body crumble as it landed.

Already, i was in shock, realising i just willingly killed my little brother. I was even more shocked when Nikita picked up a shotgun from behind me, aimed it as i turned around, and shot me in the forehead.

I felt everything. The pain was unbearable. It echoed through my brain. I still survived. It seemed like a curse at that moment to not be able to die. To feel all that pain and not have it end. Ill be walking around with a hole in my head for the rest of my life.

That was when i woke up. I could still feel everything, so much so that i needed to  check my body for any bullet holes, and i had to carefully feel my head to make sure it was in one piece.

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