Where am I? ~3

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(F.Y.I. It's 3:18 AM in the morning so this might be shitty-)

Blood trailing behind him

Then it was pure darkness..

Kaito POV

       I woke up to see something on my face. My hands and legs were tied to a bed from what I feel. I can't see anything. Where am I? Am I out of the killing game? Is this Heaven? Or is this Hell?

Then just as my thoughts took over me the thing on my head was taken off. Then the ties on my limbs. A nice looking woman with messy purple hair was the one in this room. She had a white apron on and she looked sad. I wonder why?

When she saw me awake she almost jumped out the window. I wanted to speak. I wanted to say something but my brain wouldn't let me. I felt dizzy when I tried to say something so I just shut the fuck up.

"U-uh hi! I, um, I see y-you're awake, Momota!"  The lady spoke with a smile on her face. Wow, her voice is really high. I lifted my hand to wave at her.

She told me about how the game was a virtual reality game and how I lost. She also told me that it's still going at this moment but everyone else from the killing game "Season 53" or my classmates were all safe. She also told me how I couldn't talk or stand up without help, and told me to not stand up, walk, jog, or run until I feel better. (Pressure from execution and lack of oxygen. -Anni)

After that she just left. I thought about things to do while I'm here. I saw the same clothes I had on before I went to Hopes Peak on top of a drawer. It's kind of lonely without people to talk to.

Then I remembered the promise I made with Kokichi and how I'd find him. Why did I make that promise again? Jesus, shut up Kaito! You ask too many questions.

What are the things near me? That's what I should think about. If I can't stand, then maybe I have to learn my environment and adapt to it. Let's see.. Drawer, clothes, clipboard, television box, medical things, cane in the corner of the room- Wait, a cane? Why didn't I notice it before? I gotta get to it first.

The object was about an arm distance apart from the bed. Kaito decided to take this risk of getting up alone. He didn't need help anyways, that's what his father said before he just disappeared.

Kaito sighed as he took off his blanket. His body was just fine, his muscles ached though. He put one foot on the ground and put the other one down shortly after. Kaito then slowly got up. His form was shaky, it felt like his feet had fallen asleep and neddles struck at him.

He then took one step to the cane. Then another. Taking baby steps, it's like I'm back in preschool. With every step I took a jolt a pain fluttered in my body. I guess this is why the lady told me to stay and rest.

Then I finally reached the thing. It was black and looked new. For some reason it had my name on it. Is this for me? Yeah damnit! Of course it is.

When I walked back to the bed with the cane it didn't feel as bad as it did when I walked alone. I then sat down on the bed again and put the cane near my clothes.

(Tw! Blood and throwing up coming up ahead!)

I felt a weird pain in my body. Like something is traveling up my body. I suddenly dropped to the ground. Something was up my throat. I grabbed a garbage can as fast as I could. It entered my mouth as I threw it up. I closed my eyes while I threw everything up. The lady came into my room and started screaming.  She then went to my side.

When I was finished I was covered with one thing. Blood. It was running down my hospital gown and on the floor. The trash can my also full of blood. I was shocked. I forgot about my illness. How could I forget? The crying lady then cleaned me up. 

(Tw over.)

I was then visited by some people. Kaede, Rantaro, Kirumi, and even Korekiyo. They all had masks on. It's probably because of my illness.

Kaede stayed with me after everyone had left. She told me about everyone and how K1-B0, Tsumugi, Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko aren't out yet. She also told me that everyone didn't know who the mastermind was and that Rantaro volunteered to be  watching the killing game so we get updates on what happens.

The only person I wanted to know about was Kokichi. I need to know if he's okay. I need to find him. I can't let go of that promise I had made with him.

Kaede stopped after Gonta. She didn't even speak about Kokichi. I tried to open my mouth to ask her what happened to him but it all came out with a cough.

I need to find out where he is.

Word count: 880 words

(I hope this chapter is better than the last one- Sorry it took so long :'] -Anni)

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