See Ya Never!! ~5

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(Might start a new fanfic while writing this one. I won't give up on this one dw :'] Also I'm having trouble with the bold option so don't might that aha -Anni)

Okay. Let's do this.

I grabbed my cane on the side of my desk and took my jacket. I put on my slippers then speeded towards the open door. That was easy. Now time for the hard part.

I snuck to places where people could see me. It was going great until someone saw me sneak by a corner.

They had followed me outside of the hospital without me knowing.

As soon as I got outside I heard, "Momota? That you?"

A deep voice and seems near but far...Ryoma Hoshi.

"Hey! Glad seeing you Ryoma! I'm just here to gst some air y'know? Kinda stuffy in there am I right?" I said, forming out a lie. 

If I had to escape from Ryoma I have to lie my way out.

Like Kokichi.

This is for Kokichi.

"Mhm yeah, well uh. We should head inside. I'll help you in." Ryoma said, trotting towards the door.

When he realized I wasn't following him he looked back at where I was. No one. Ryoma realized this and started to run full speed to get the others help.

Meanwhile, I was behind a tree. I started towards the forest and looked back one last time. After saying a mental goodbye I walked towards the forest entrance.

This is a shortcut to my house anyways. Why do I remember that?

Well after a few lefts and rights we were finally in my neighborhood. I had my keys for some reason and knew the number.


I opened the door and stepped in. Nobody is in there. "Ma? Papa? I'm...home?" Nobody answered. I guess they are just somewhere else.

I went up to my room and looked at my stuff. Just as I remember. The rug I had since I was a kid, my old bed, space and rock posters, radio, laundry chair, and a dresser. I wonder what my clothes are?

I look inside my dresser to see plain old clothes, socks, a blanket cape, and other things that had red on it. Hints of pink were on it as well.

Is that blood? No probably not..but what if it is? Argh whatever.

I live in a rural neighborhood which is covered by a forest. Tou can cut across the forest or you can take a tunnel route to get here. It's a miracle I remembered that route.

Alright, time to find Kokichi.

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