The Invention ~17

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Tw! Throwing up

I stormed off to Miu's room. I didn't care if I was late, if someone needed me, I was just curious on what the invention was. I ran off to Iruma's living space and knocked on the door.

I know Maki said that it was 6:45.

I knew.

But I just can't wait that long.

What if it's somethingabout Kokichi? What if it's something that could bring him back to life. What if-


I stared at the door. Did it just open? I moved a bit closer to the door in curiosity. Right as I did, something grabbed my wrist violently and shoved me in the room.

"Hey- HEY WHA-" cough

I started to cough out blood violently. The blood soon got everywhere on me and the floor in front. Coughing turned into choking, and choking turned into..vomiting.

I started to throw up violently because of the sudden movement of pulling. Why was I so weak? After my throwing up spree, I heard a voice of someone.

"Wow. Didn't think that would happen."

Bubbly, high, sarcastic, voice? Without even looking up, I knew it was Miu. I finally looked up to see the blonde inventor cleaning up the blood with a few towels. "I didn't wanna do the laundry todayy~" She groaned.

I looked at her in annoyance. "Wh-hat do you want, Miu." I managed to cough out. Miu looked at me in playful disgust. "Huh?! You c-came here!" She stuttered at the word "came." I gave her a sarcastic smile and got up.

"What's the invention?" I asked, finally. She wiped all the blood from the floor and threw the towels in the trash. "I'll show you!" She said, washig her hands in the mini sink.

She walked up to me and opened a box. I looked into it to see a small device with an antenna and a tiny keyboard at the back. I looked up at her in confusion and she groaned at my response.

"It's a teleporter, of course!" Miu annoyingly told me. My head turned to the clock, 3:50.

School was already over.

I asked how it worked, and Miu grabbed the remote out of the box. She then started,

"You type in the name of the person you wanna teleport, then you turn this dial to show the setting they're possibly in! After you point the antenna 360°, press the big red button, and wait for a colored light to appear! Also, it can only teleport three people who are in the same place! Nothin' else! For example:" Miu stopped.

She flipped the remote over and typed in 'Shuichi Saihara , Maki Harukawa.' Miu flipped it back over and turned the dial until it said 'school.' She turned the remote 360° and pressed the button.

Two minutes later, a red and blue light started appearing.

I was in shock. It actually worked? Miu shared the same expression as me, but happier. Seconds after, Shuichi was in the room, Maki following him.

Miu cheered in excitement, Shuichi and Maki were confused, and I was just still in shock. Miu told them what she did and soon, they were in shock too.

Maki walked out of the room and Saihara excused himself. Miu groaned in annoyance at them. She turned to me and gave me the remote, smiling. "Use it when you like, pretty boy! It's yours to keep, you know? So you better accept it!" She told me.

Oh I knew.

I knew what I would use it for.

I bowed to her and she yelped. Miu embarrassingly told me to not do that. I just nodded then said to her to not pull me suddenly again. She yelped again and pushed me out of her room.

I walked out of the school, distrating anyone in my way. After I got out, I went to the outside of the forest. I sighed, hoping Antantaru was okay. Then I walked away.

I texted Shuichi my location and he gave me a thumbs up emoji. I walked into the hospital and went up to my room where Kokichi, is now, staying in.

I patted hus head and sat down next to him. He slightly moved again, making me happier everytime. Oh Kokichi..I've found you. I actually found you.

I kissed him on his lips, as he slept. He didn't kiss back of course, but I took it anyways. I sat there, stroking back his hair until seeing time was over. I kissed his head goodbye and walked out of the hospital.

On the way to the bus, I saw a brown haired person in a brown skirt. Who's that? I ran over to the smaller person. They looked at me scared, but I assured them the same way I did to Antantaru.

The kid warmed up to me and started talking to me almost immediately. "So..I'm Kaito Momota! What's your name?" I asked. The person looked up to me and said,

"My name's Chihiro Fujisaki!" They paused for a moment before telling me,

"And I'm looking for Shuichi Saihara."

(HIII! I just wanted to say that I'm probably not ending this story anytime soon- I know it's boring now because Kokichi is found and he's just in a coma BUT BEAR WITH ME-! That's all I have to say, and thank you for reading! Love you all! -Anni <3)

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