[Chapter 7] Over-Grown Lizard:

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Never Normal [Chapter 7] Over-Grown Lizard:

Two amber eyes fluttered open, but quickly shut, "God-damn this fucking sand."

Kai wiped his eyes and gasped, "Sand?! Wha-"

He quickly shot up on two legs and spun around, only to loose his balance and fall down once again. He groaned and tears started falling, "N-Nya?! Sensei?! Cole?! Anybody?!"

He sighed and more tears fell, "Lloyd... I-I'm so fucking sorry Lloyd..."

He calmed down slightly and lifted his head, taking in his surrounding. "Great," he mumbled sarcastically, "I'm on a beach."

His eyes widened and he started freaking out, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead!"

He buried his face in his hands, but scratched himself, "Stupid claws.."

He sighed but then his head shot up, "Claws?!"

He looked at his hands, and sure enough, they were claws. He turned his head around and there were also two wings on his back, as well as a tail on his rump, "How the..."

He got back up on two legs and ran towards the ocean again, but once more, he lost balance and fell. He shook it off and looked down at the water and saw his face, was no longer a face. It was a scaley, reptilian face with the same amber eyes he had. He screamed, more like roared, in shock and fear, "This can't be happening.." He said to himself, "I must have hit my head hard."

He turned back around and stretched out his wings, "Really hard."

He looked back at his reflection, and then to his new-found wings, "Might as well take advantage of this."

He started flapping his wings, hoping to get lift off, but nothing happened, "Dammit..."

He tucked his wings back in, and started pacing, "This can't be happening I can't be a dragon I mean how did this happen am I dreaming or am I dead because surely this isn't real I mean I can't become an over-grown lizard over night!"

He collapsed, confused and scared, "What am I going to do... I can't help Lloyd like this..."

"Of course not. At least, not until you help yourself."

Kai shot up and looked towards the direction of the voice. It was female, he could tell. 'Wait,' he though, 'How can I speak dragon? Because you are one stupid!'

He shook his head out of his thoughts and faced them, and surely he was right, there was a female dragon with an orange body and orange-red wings, "I take it you're not from here, are you?"

"Where is here?"

"The Dark Island."

"Yeah, I have.. But, last time I was here I never saw any dragons."

"That's because we live in secret. Hunters and demons come to-"

"Did you say we? Like, there's more of you, I mean us, here?"

"Yes. Would you like to come visit the nests?"

"If it means I can be safe, then yes."

"Did the Hunters chase you here?"

"Wha- oh, yes. They did."

"You will be safe here."

"Thank you. My name is Kai, by the way."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Kai. Now come, follow me and I'll lead you to my camp."

Kai looked back at the ocean and said, "I will come back to you Lloyd. I promise."

Kai then trotted up to next to the female dragon, and asked, "Normally, when someone says their name, they expect another one in return."

"Then you expect too much."

"So I've been told."

The female chuckled, and said with a smile, "The name's Fyre."

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