So I Guess I'm a Spider Now (Part 2)

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Error had made himself a web, and a while ago he had found a strange egg! He was hoping to make scrambled eggs with it or something but the egg turned out extremely hard to break so he had left it in his web to come back to later. Error had gotten better at controlling his strings, fighting the weak and running away from the strong. Mostly running away though. 'Why do I have to be so weak?' He thought in dismay.

Earlier, he was surprised when he returned to his web, there was a frog stuck in it. It quickly gave him the idea to expand his web. Even making webs in different locations, making them in ways where they instantly trap prey. "H33h33~ 1'm 50 5mar7!" Error exclaimed. Because of his genius mind, his abilities have leveled up! Spider Thread to LV 6, Poison Fang to LV 4, Appraisal to LV 2, Poison Resistance to LV 5, he himself has become a LV 5! Every other ability of his hasn't changed yet.

Error yawns, it was pretty boring, he has nothing to do. And his thread was very comfy, a nap wouldn't hurt...slowly, his eyes shut....

Error woke up to the smell of smoke, he shot up. 'How'd a fire start?! Water! I need water!' Error thought as he ran around, but he knew that it was too late for that. Error looks around for the cause when he spotted them, humans. They were obviously knights, and held thw torches that lit up his nest. 'It just HAD to be humans!' (Error humanphobic confirmed?)

Error had no choice but to run away, the flames were too hot to stay.

When he reached a safe spot, he screamed. Both in sadness and anger. Those humans had-! They had-! He screamed again. His home, where he could be free of judgment, of torment, of pain, was ripped from him. He's lost it, all of it. All because of those stupid humans! HE SHOULD GET RID OF ALL OF THEM.

'No, no, no, what am I thinking?' Error shook his head, he could think of several video games where he had burned down a spider's nest. It's just a web, he could build a new one later. After all, he has to get stronger!

'I can't just hide away! I need to fight!'

Error groaned in pain as he sat in a small tent he had made with his web. Turns out front attacks are practically useless to him. He had tried to fight a frog earlier and ended up suffering lots of damage. "Why d1d 1 7h1nk 7ha7 wa5 a g00d 1d3a? 0h w3ll, Hah, 1 gu355 1'll ju57 7ak3 a nap..." Who knows how long it'll take him to heal?


Error jolted, a strong pain hitting his back. A small lizard, or a Basilisk, was biting him! This wasn't good! 'They have an ability to turn things to stone just by looking at it! If it looks at me I'll...' Error didn't want to think about it! He has to kill it!

Error bites back, injecting poison into his prey just as one of his limbs began to gain little chips of stone on it. Thankfully the poison did it's work, the Basilisk soon going limp.

'Experience points have gained the fixed amount'

'Individual Small Lesser Taratect LV 5 became LV 6'

'Every basic ability increased'

'Skill proficiency bonus recieved'

'<Poison Fang LV 4> became <Poison Fang LV 5>'

'<Petrification Resistance LV 1> became <Petrification Resistance LV 2>'

'<Appraisal LV 2> became <Appraisal LV 3>'

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