"mY nAmE iS..."

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(Error makes a possibly life-changing decision)


It's white.

Error laid on the white floor, staring up into the white abyss that was called a "ceiling" in his anti-void.

He laid on the floor, unblinking and unmoving with slightly fuzzy eyelights.

Because Error remembered.

Error remembered when he was Sci, youthful and full of HoPe, working in a lab with a man who spoke in hands.

Error remembered taking care of Papyrus, and growing up to become Sans, the lazy, pun-loving monster, who could instantly turn to dust with just a single hit but was ironically, the Judge of all monsters.

Error remembered having enough of all the resets and injecting DETERMINATION into his soul, but failed to stop the knife-weilding megalomaniac and dusting despite all his efforts.

Error remembers becoming Genocide, stuck in the Savescreen due to his messed up code, trying to convince the bigger half of his soul to take down the human.

Error remembered escaping the Savescreen just by eating a slice of pie, and gaining a family in the process.

Error remembered messing with his determination once more despite the warnings, and becoming trapped in the anti-void.

Error remembered the grief of loosing his happy ending just because of his dumb curiosity.

Error remembered his grief turning into anger.


Error remembered becoming ERROR, the destroyer of AUs, his code corrupting until he became someone new.

With all these memories swirling around in his skull, he couldn't help but ask himself...

"WhO aM I?" Error's glitched voice asked out loud.

Was he Sans? IS he Sans? Could Error consider himself to be a Sans?


Error lifted his hands up to his face to look at his black palms with red and yellow phalanges.



No, Error isn't Sans.

Maybe he was at one point, but not anymore.

Error came to a realization.

Error "Sans" doesn't exist, and he never has.

His code is far too corrupted and twisted for himself to be considered a Sans.

Because Sans wouldn't destroy AUs and claim it was because they shouldn't exist. (Even if it was the truth.)

Sans wouldn't harm those he considered his friends and neighbors with a wide, gleeful smile.

Sans wouldn't kill his own brother.

Error was something different. SOMEONE different.

Error dryly chuckled, "mY nAmE iS jUsT ErRoR."


I know it's been a long time since I've last posted in this book, but I'm glad to say that I've returned, and am ready to go back to posting!

With that being said, I'm glad to say that "Motherly Glitch" has now been made into it's own book with a *slightly* rewritten plot!

The book's called "Accidental Parenthood"

Anyways, that's all!~ I'm super happy to be back!)


Ink: Hey Error! I heard that you're just calling yourself Error now!

Error: YeAh wHaT aBoUt iT?

Ink: Will you have a last name too? Because my name is Ink, but sometimes I call myself "Ink Comyet" cause it's a reference to my creator!

Error: ...ErRoR LuCiDa

Ink: Snrk! Lucida? As in the font?

Error: *blushes* hEy! DoN't mAkE fUn oF mE! And iT's a rEfeReNcE tO tHe LuCiDiA sErIeS tHaT mY cReAtOr iS wOrKiNg oN! OkAY?!

Error: *mumbles* b-bEsIdEs...lUcIda iS a pReTtY nIcE fOnT...

Ink: Pft- I'll call you Lucy for short! Hahaha!

Error: mY NAmE iS sTiLl ERoRr YoU JErK!]

[Extra 2:

Fresh: Welcome E-brah to da radtastic "Not-Sanses Anymore" Club! I'm the super radical leader even though I never was a Sans to begin with!

Error: hOw'D I eVeN gEt hErE?!

Nightmare: Ugh, I can't believe you've been dragged here as well

Dream: Oh my...I never expected you to come here as well Error, would you like some tea?]

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