Be My Valentine pt. 1

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Harry didn't know what time it was, just that the sun was not even close to up yet but his throat was parched. Getting out of bed and making sure not to walk on Liam who was asleep on the blow up, he fumbled his way into the kitchen. However upon getting there, he saw that Ian was already in the kitchen and wearing a crisp suit while nursing a cup of coffee. Lacey though was running wildly here and there, not even seeing him.

"Hey Harry, welcome back." Ian greeted him as he looked up from his card.

"I was just going to get water." He said awkwardly, drawing out the last word, unsure if he was imposing or not.

"Me casa es tu casa." Ian said as he gestured to the refrigerator.

"Can I ask?" Harry began pointing at Ian's card, as he got a glass from the cupboard.

"I'm just finishing up Belle's valentine's day card." He said before patting the large white box on the counter beside him.

"Oh," Harry smiled.

"I bought her a new dress for the dance. Even if I can't be there, at least I can do this. Speaking of the dance, thanks Harry." Ian looked up from his card.

A kind smile spread across Harry's lips. "It's my pleasure. I would do anything for her,"

"Hope or Belle?" Ian couldn't help but tease.

Harry didn't even falter. "Both." He stated without hesitance. Actually now that he thought about it, he would do anything for Hope's family period. Lacey, Ian, Landon, and Hope's parents.

Ian shook his head as a knowing smile appeared on his face. Running a hand through his sandy blonde hair, his light blue eyes glanced over at Harry. "I shouldn't say this and I shouldn't even be taking sides period, but I'm definitely rooting for you."

Harry blinked twice. "I," He tried to say. "Thanks Ian." He said with a smile. "You know, it's not just Hope anymore though. It's all of you." He said looking straight into Ian's eyes.

"Been there," Ian joked. "But," He sobered up. "I know completely what you mean. My parents. I love them but I hate their ignorance. They love Landon, they think that Landon's their chance to start over. They love him, they loved him enough to finally acknowledge Lacey as my wife in their world," He said the last word with distaste. "In fact they insisted on taking him for the next few days, some grandchild bonding time." Ian said with a humorless laugh.

Harry took a drink of his water as one question plagued his mind. Belle.

"They could care less for Belle though, just Landon, he's the male that can take over the family business, so archaic of a thought, but they live in that world." Ian said roughly, in disgust. "She's too Matherson for them to really awknowledge. Too improper, too giddy, too everything. It doesn't matter that's she's six and all children should be that way. But I never want her brought up like I was. I love that she's a Matherson, and Landon will be too." Ian's hand clenched the pen. "I think she reminds them too much of Lacey and they don't approve. But you know what? I feel bad for them. They're never going to know that one's unconditional love. Unfortunately, one day, I think she's going to realize that her paternal grandparents don't love her as they should."

Harry covered his mouth with his hand as he heard Ian's story, trying not to interrupt him.

"But when that day comes, she'll know so many more people love her; more than enough to make up for it. I guess that's why this is killing me. The only father daughter dance I'll ever have and I can't even attend. Being an adult sucks sometimes."

Harry offered a small smile before taking a small sip of water. "I promise that I will do everything I can to make the night perfect for Belle, even if I'm not you or Niall," Harry sighed at his band mate's name.

Serendipitous: Harry's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora