Skating Hearts

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“Louis!” Hope cried as Louis once more grabbed onto her waist to keep from falling. 

“Hey!” Harry yelled as he tried to stay upright in order to grab Louis’ hands off Hope.  “Hands off!” He said jealously.

Instead of doing so, Louis merely stuck his tongue out.   “Hope’s only here for six more hours.” Louis said hugging Hope’s shoulders this time as he used her to stay upright.  “And you had her all to yourself last night!”

Harry glared at him while Hope threw her head back and laughed.  She was just glad that Louis seemed to be back to fairly normal.   “Louis, if you really want to learn, you’re gonna have to let go of me and skate on your own again.”

“I know that!” Louis said before separating himself from Hope only to wobble and grasp Hope’s waist once more to not fall. 

Harry once more glared at him as he crossed his arms, facing them.  Really, this wasn't fair.  Hope had no problem with Louis practically pawing her and she would give him a look when he even dared to hold her hand! What kind of justice was this!

Hope rolled her eyes at Harry while giving him a brief look that told him he was being ridiculous.  “Louis, hold onto me,” She said as she faced Louis once more.  Louis gladly did so all the while ignoring Harry’s mumbles. 

“Come on Hazza,” Liam said laughing as he skated towards them and grabbed Harry to get him to skate along in order to let Hope teach Louis to skate the best she could without Harry literally hovering.

“You could’ve taught him!” Harry protested even though he knew that Louis did not feel any romantic feelings for Hope or vice versa, but he still didn’t like seeing Louis grabbing her so much. 

“I’m not as good as Hope nor do I have the patience Hope does to teach.” Liam said as he struggled to stop.  “Plus I can’t really stoooop!” Liam said as he showcased just why he was not teaching Louis to skate.

“Omph,” Harry managed as he ran into the wall, all thanks to Liam.  

“Sorry about that Harry.” Liam apologized as he pushed himself off the wall. 

“Do you ever think that we spend too much time together?” Harry asked as he used the wall to turn himself so he could look at Hope and Louis once more. 

“All the time,” Liam answered.  “But I wouldn’t trade our friendship for the world.”

“Yeah,” Harry agreed.  “Is it wrong Liam?”

“What?” Liam asked as he looked over at him. 

“Hope,” Harry quickly answered.  “Is it wrong that I can’t let her go? If I really love her, I should be able to let her go if she’s happy right?” Harry asked as he knew better than anyone that Mark was actually a good guy and seemed to be a great boyfriend to Hope. 

Liam turned to look at the petite brunette helping their mate learn to skate.  Like always, Hope was laughing.  Currently she held onto Louis arms to help him stay balanced before letting go to skate backwards and watch him. “You know I’m not a very-”

“Liam,” Harry stressed. 

“I guess all I can really say is that love is hard.  In my case there were tears, some yelling, and a lot of chasing.  But love’s worth it. You just have to decide for yourself if whatever you feel for Hope is worth pursuing.”

Harry snorted.  He already knew the answer to that.  “What if,” he gulped.  “What if I lose her? What if in the end, I just lose her and I can’t even keep her as a friend? Then what?”

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