Teen Choice Awards: Red Carpet

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“You going back to Cornell?” Hope asked Mark as she hugged him. 

“Yeah,” Mark answered as he kissed the bridge of Hope’s nose.  “The professor wants us all to write him a whole ten page essay with a satisfactory thesis on this summer,” Mark cringed.

Hope couldn’t help but laugh.  “Well that’s what you get for leaving me alone all summer!” Hope said as she stood on the tips of her toes to reach Mark’s 6’2’’ structure.

“You know our friends still can’t believe that you’re letting me go,”

“But you want to don’t you? I mean you told me that this guy was your friend and you get to see Amy?” Mark said looking down at her worried. 

Hope laughed. “I know, but you’re letting me be Harry’s date.”

“For one night, it won’t be any different than when you and Wyatt went together to Prom senior year.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Just make sure you have fun and stay safe.” Mark said before he leant down to kiss her.

“I love you,” Hope said smiling into their kiss.

“I love you too,” Mark said before twirling her and kissing her once more.


Hope wanted to face palm when she realized that Harry really went all out for her.  The coach ticket that she had bought had been miraculously upgraded to First class when she made it to the gate.  And that wasn’t even to mention the dress. 

Hope had gone to Bloomingdales to find that she had her own personal shopping assistant with eight dresses already lined up for her to try.  Each and every one of them had been a various shade of pink as Harry Styles had apparently requested that she wear a pink dress to accompany him.  Each one was so gorgeous that even with the shopper Hope had a hard time choosing so she actually had to call Lacey whom came over with Belle, and it was Belle that ended up picking her dress.  The thing that made Hope weary was that there was no price tag, on any of them, and the assistant went on ahead to send the dress to the nearest Bloomies in LA for them to deliver to her hotel on the day of the Awards.  She felt like Pretty Woman, which she wasn’t sure if she liked or not.

After nearly six straight hours of flight, in which Hope slept for a good half, she had arrived at LAX. She turned on her phone after the plane landed and was currently crossing the runway to find that she had a good number of text messages.  Three were from Mark, wishing her a safe trip, a simple I love you, and to call when she got to the hotel as well as from her mum.  A few were from Lena and Lacey well not so much Lacey as Belle.  However at least twenty of them were from Harry all ranging from are you on the plane to I’ll pick you up to call me when you land and everything in between.  Hope gave a laugh before she did just that. 


“You landed?”

“Yep, we’re at the gate now actually.”

“Great, I’m here.”

“What about the rest of the boys? Niall or Louis?” Hope asked. 

“Niall, Louis.” Harry echoed.  “No! I told them they couldn’t come.” Harry scowled.

Hope couldn’t help but laugh.  “Harry I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant that I thought they would’ve tried to come with you.”

“They did but I told them the wrong airport and had my taxi lose them.”

“Harry!” Hope said though she couldn’t help but laugh. Harry sounded quite proud of himself. 


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