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While Belle was in her own little world, admiring all her newly acquired things, Harry lightly nudged Hope's foot with his. 

Looking up from her menu, Hope looked questioningly at him. 

There were so many things Harry had planned to say but meeting Hope's almond eyes, he forgot them all. "Hi," was all he managed. 

However Hope just threw her head back and laughed.  "Hi," She replied with a slight wink as she continued to smile.

Glancing up, Hope couldn't help but slightly roll her eyes when her gaze met Harry's.  In return, said person wiggled his stick on mustache.  Same mustache that Belle would poke only for Harry to do the same causing the tot to bust into a peal of giggles.  Hope just knew they had to be a sight.  Though she had no idea how they were fooling anyone.  Harry looked down right ridiculous and really, how many hippies had platinum credit cards?

"So what's next Princess?" Harry asked as he once more lifted up Belle while Hope texted her sister their whereabouts. 

"We have to get Ms. T a peasant." Belle said at last, after scrunching up her nose in thought, so much so like her aunt that Harry had to fight back a giant grin. 

"Peasant?" Harry asked with a slight laugh.

"Present Belle, pres- ent." Hope corrected her niece, exaggerating the r only for Belle to give her a look as to say that she already knew that.  It wasn't her fault that they couldn't hear her properly. 

"Ah," Harry laughed adjusting Belle.  "Any ideas?" He asked though he looked at Hope. 

"Yes but I'm paying. You've spent plenty hot shot."

"Hot shot?" Harry arched a brow at the new nickname.

"Yes," Hope affirmed.  "And we're close enough to Union Square so let's head to the Barnes and Noble.  I'm sure I can find something."

"Aye, Aye." Harry saluted causing Hope to laugh before turning around.  However she barely made it a few steps before Harry grabbed her hand.  Looking up at him questioningly, Hope stopped in her tracks.  He didn't say anything, but look at her remembering the last time he had tried to do the same only for her to reject him, telling him that she couldn't hold his hand and lead him on.

"Okay," Hope whispered at last, already knowing what he wasn't saying out loud.

So the three of them went, looking like quite an odd ready made family. 

Harry let Belle down as they entered the multilevel book store.  Without further encouragement Belle led the way up the escalators.  Hope looked down forlornly at the ready made gifts on the first floor.

Belle had of course led them to the toy level much to Harry's amusement and Hope's chagrin. 

"Cam lost pieces." Belle said sounding quite miffed as she pointed up to a game. 

"Cam?" Harry asked though he still grabbed the present, unable to deny Belle Ellis pretty much anything. 

"Cameron, hair puller." Hope offered to enlighten Harry. 

Harry's expression was not unlike a dad's upon hearing about his daughter's love life, causing Hope to laugh because Ian hadn't even made an extreme of a face as Harry was at the moment. 

"Date thief." Harry muttered none too friendly.

"Harry, he's six." Hope threw back her head and laughed.  Though she was glad that Belle wasn't taking too much advantage of the situation.  "Anyway since we have a class present, let's wander a bit! I just love browsing through a book store..." Hope let out a small sigh of content.  "And I can finally read for enjoyment again!" She said with such a bright smile that Harry was sure if she asked him to, he would have done anything for her. 

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