Of Skypes and Twitter

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“That was lame,” Harry snickered as they finished up the episode.

“Oh hush Harry.” Hope said grinning.  “So next one?” Hope smiled as she stuck out her tongue, already knowing the answer.

“Of course,” Harry laughed as he leaned back on his couch, his computer on his lap.  Since Hope’s school got off for winter break, the two of them had gotten into the habit of skyping and sharing screens in order to watch tv shows and movies at the same time whilst chatting.  It was as close as they could get with the Atlantic dividing them. 

“I love kettle corn,” Hope murmured as she grabbed a small handful. 

“Okay, you’re just rubbing it in,” Harry said absolutely empty handed. 

Hope could almost hear the contempt and scowl in his voice, which only caused her to laugh.  “Mhmm!”

“Hope!” Harry scowled causing Hope to burst into peals of laughter. 

“Sorry,” Hope lied, she really wasn’t all that sorry.  It was kettle corn, anyway if Harry was here, she’d share it. Alas he wasn’t so teasing him was just as much fun.  “But this is going to have to be my last one. I have to pick up Belle from ballet soon.”

“What about Lacey?” Harry questioned. 

“She took Landon to get his first haircut. His hair’s grown so curly, we joke that it could rival yours.” Hope quipped, laughter in her voice. 

Even though she couldn’t see him, he rolled his eyes.  Knowing that, “For your information Hope, I’m rolling my eyes at you.” His grin though only grew once more as Hope’s joyful laughter could be heard. 

Leaning back on his leather couch, he relaxed for the next and last video. 


Harry laughed as he was finally able to open up the Christmas package that Hope had sent him a week ago. 

He couldn't help but laugh harder when he saw that the present was wrapped in pink and white candy cane Christmas wrapping paper. 

Merry Christmas Harry!


All of us!

The Christmas card said with a Christmas picture of Hope and her family. All five of them, including Landon were wearing some form of a red top.  Belle in fact was wearing the red polo from her birthday.  Hope and Ian both donned Santa hats on their heads while Belle and Lacey wore elf hats, meanwhile Landon was wearing a reindeer headband over his fine baby hair. 

He smiled as he traced his hand over the picture of Hope with Landon in her lap. 

He sighed though as soon as he saw the present. Well presents, but he could tell right away which one was Hope's and which one was from the Ellises.

Ian, Belle, Lacey, and by association Landon had all gotten him a nice botton up shirt a brilliant green that he couldn't help but think was supposed to compliment his eyes. 

Hope's present though.  Mischevious Hope had bought him his own copy of Troy, where she'd drawn a pink heart  around Eric Bana over the plastic wrapping.  A heart... only Hope!


"Wait you're in New York?" Hope repeated in disbelief  before resisting the urge to laugh. 

"Yes Hope,"

"Why? Liam you are so unbelievably bad at following Jolie's rules." Hope said laughing this time.

Serendipitous: Harry's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now