Lantern in the Night

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Hope sat in the passenger side of her own car as Harry had gently took the keys from her without a word.

He plugged his U.S. phone into the auxiliary as it had instructions to get to Little Italy. He completely trusted Ian's words. He said nothing, leaving her in peace as he turned some music on. He tried not to glance at Hope who looked numb.

Harry wanted so badly to say anything but he didn't.

"Ian told you where to take us didn't he?" Hope finally said as she realized where they were heading. "I hope you're prepared for this."

"Prepared for what?"

Almost twenty minutes later and sitting back in the car with their respective gelatos, Harry started to have an idea and couldn't help but think Ian definitely did not warn him for this.

It was weird for Harry to realize that he rarely ever saw Hope cry if ever, upon watching her literally sobbing as she took a bite. He almost wanted to take away her gelato just so she wouldn't cry and he wouldn't have to feel so awful watching her do so knowing that there was nothing he could do. But he realized too that he couldn't do that. Hope looked like she honestly needed a really good cry. And honestly this was also an experience he had to go through with her.

"I'm sorry, that was kinda a lot wasn't it?" Hope said sniffing as she placed her finished trifecta mix of mango, pistachio, and toasted coconut gelato down. It was a weird habit that the Matherson females had picked up since they were children, they tended to be blubbery messes when they ate gelato during times of sadness. 

"Never," Harry simply responded as he put down his gelato to smile at Hope.

Hope looked at him in slight disbelief before shaking her head. "Why Harry? Why do you respond like that?"

This time it was Harry's turn to slightly shake his head. "I didn't fall in love with you at first sight... or second...not really third since the wedding dress kinda gave me a mini heart attack...but definitely the third time though. And each day, I swear I fall a little more... even when you break my heart a little by trying to push me away. But I don't care as long as you're a part of my life. If you need more time, you can have it, I'll wait. Even if I have to watch you with someone else." He said though looking quite pained at that part of his speech. "As much as that would hurt, the idea of not having you or even your family in my life is so much worse. Also, I'll wait because I think you know it as well as I do' that in the end, it's going to be us."

Hope's lips parted in slight shock, though she wasn't sure if it was his clear declaration of love or his audacity at the end. Honestly it was probably both. "Oh my god, absolutely-"

"Shameless," Harry finished with her with a grin.

Hope narrowed her eyes slightly at him. "When you grin like that, I can't help but think you take me saying that as a compliment."

Harry didn't respond rather his grin just widened.

"Ugh," Hope just groaned. "Anyway, I'm driving back home. Move."

"You think tonight's over?" Harry asked smugly, not moving an inch.

"It's not?"

"No," Harry shook his head. "I'm leaving tomorrow. You think I would waste this last night?"

"Well..." Hope trailed. "Should I be afraid?"

"Oh very Hope Matherson, very afraid."

Serendipitous: Harry's Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن