Teen Choice Awards: Show

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Hope couldn't really believe that she was really at the Teen Choice Awards and not just merely watching it with her family or friends on the couch and in sweatpants. Instead she was sitting in the second set of seats, just behind the audience and beside One Direction. Not to mention in a gorgeous dress that she was trying to pretend probably did not cost as much as her books had to be in the coming fall.

"Earth to Hope," Louis said waving a hand over Hope's face to get her attention.

"Yes Louis?"

Louis didn't get to finish as Harry grabbed her attention instead.

"We have to perform third tonight so we have to go do a dress change as soon as the first commercial break," Harry frowned not liking that they had to leave Hope so soon.

"I'll be fine Harry, don't worry." Hope said waving him off as she recognized the look.

Harry opened his mouth to say more but screams could be heard as the show started. Instead Hope took his hand and squeezed it assuring him. She tried to let go but Harry squeezed her hand back and didn't let go. Hope shook her hand but only received a devilish smile from Harry who didn't even turn to look at her, his eyes only on stage.


Hope was actually feeling a bit awkward when the boys left her, being alone in the middle of five empty seats. Deciding now was the best time if any, she took her cell phone out of her clutch and found that she had over twenty texts from her friends and family.

She quickly responded to each and everyone that she could. She laughed at Opal's and Belle's texts both of whom were very jealous. The rest were all along the same line as they mentioned about seeing her on TV and telling her that she looked great. Hope smiled softly when Mark texted her.

Sneaked out of library a bit to catch you on TV. You look beautiful, actually beyond beautiful. Love you.

"I'm sorry, but can I take a picture of you?"

Hope looked up to find the girl from earlier. Kate if her memory was correct. "I'm sorry?"

"Can I please take a picture of you, they want a picture of all the females in their dresses,"

"Oh, um yes, of course, but only if you'd do me a favor please."

"Uh, um," Kate bit her lip not knowing what to say. She didn't really know the girl and if the favor could potentially get her in trouble.

"Please just sit with me and keep me company until the boys perform." Hope said patting Harry's vaccant seat. "I doubt you would get in trouble for that, if you have to, you can say I refused a picture otherwise, being spoiled and all." Hope smiled.

Kate looked around before settling back at Hope. She really had all night to take pictures and her heels were killing her at that point. "Okay, I would love to."

Hope grinned as Kate sat down next to her. "I'm Hope Matherson by the way." Hope said finally introducing herself.

"Katherine Loffreda, but everyone calls me Kate."

Hope nodded happily as she took mental notes for Zayn.


Harry closed his eyes as he let himself be in the moment. A brilliant smile appeared on his lips as soon as he heard the screams of his fans. These were the times that he lived for.

"You ready mates?" Liam asked over the screams. All the boys nodded, Louis even adding a thumbs up sign.

The first notes for the chorus of What Makes You Beautiful began as the lights shined on the boys.

Serendipitous: Harry's StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ