Affair of the Heart

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Shopping with Lacey and Landon, for Mark's birthday, Hope couldn't help but groan to herself when they stopped in the toy store for Landon because right there, smack by the window was a giant cut out of Harry Styles. 

"Oh yeah," Lacey threw her head back and laughed.  "Mark would just love that." She quipped. 

"Oh yeah," Hope just groaned imagining what Mark would say in response.  They had several arguments now, more than enough about Harry that Hope could only imagine just how well that would turn out.  The worst part though was just how smug Harry seemed to be when he would call her and she'd tell him so, ranting in fact.  He took too much pride in being a reason for her arguments with Mark.

"Here take him, I'll take a picture." Lacey just said handing Landon over to her sister.  


Lounging around in Harry’s hotel room, Niall was the one to hear Harry’s phone ring.  Peaking his head over a napping Harry, who was worn out from the individual interviews he had to endure, many of which revolved around his love life and all the supposed models he had been “lovin” up on or as the German interviewers said, lavin, their strong accent making the o sound more like an a.

Seeing the picture of Hope and Landon though, he tried to get Harry’s phone that was resting on his stomach. However when Niall tried to do so, like a horror movie, Harry’s eyes snapped open.  “Niall you are not trying to  prank call people on my phone again.” He said tersely, his eyes piercing into Niall’s as if reading the Irish one's intentions and soul.

“Louis made me do that!” Niall protested in his defense.  “And we only called two of your exes to start the little black dating book for you so that… well when you finally get Hope, you’ll know all the things not to do that made your relationships end in disaster. Not prank call.” Niall grinned extra wide much like the cherub Jolie said he reminded her of, the cherubs in Mantegna’s Honeymoon Room. 

“For your information, they did not all end in disaster!” Harry interjected.

Niall just shrugged.  “Hope sent you a picture,” He said, changing the subject.   


Hope knew she was way too young to be considered a soccer mom, being nineteen, but driving Belle and her two best friends to tae kwon do with Little Einstein’s  sound track on the radio, she could feel the pain of those mothers.   

“Incoming call.” The car spoke up before it started to ring.  Anything to take a break from Little Einstein’s, Hope immediately accepted the call.

“Hello?” Harry Style’s accented voice could be heard throughout the Audi. 

“Harry!” Belle immediately squealed, hyper as ever, one because her friends were with her, second because it was going to be her first time going to tae kwon do, something she and her friends had found out about at one of the parents coming into school for career day, being an instructor.  Ian and Lacey, seeing no harm, the latter rather excited for her daughter, saying if she were just a little younger, she would do it with Belle.

“Hi Princess,” Harry immediately corrected.  “How are you?”

Belle was bouncing her car seat.  “Harry, Harry you want to meet my friends?” She asked, as excited as any six year old could be to introduce her new best friends. 

“Uh,” Harry momentarily paused.  “Of course,” He corrected however, though wondering where Hope was.  “But erm, Princess where’s your Aunt?” Harry asked. 

Giggling, Belle pointed to Hope, not thinking that Harry couldn’t see them.  “Silly.” She said with another giggle.

“I’m here too, you’re on speaker.  I’m driving in New York rush hour to take three very devious little princesses to their first tae kwon do lesson.” Hope answered, getting into the next lane so that she could turn at the next light.

Serendipitous: Harry's StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin