A Cup of Coffee

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As soon as the they were finished singing, Harry ran down the stage stairs, past the security guards and his band mates. Girls screamed as they all tried to grab him but Harry simply smiled at each of them, continuing his trek to get to Hope. Upon finding her, everything else disappeared but Hope with her summer dress flirting around her legs from the wind. 

Hope tried to push her hair out of her hair when a breeze filtered through the air, when she was able to see again a person stood right in front of her.  Hope looked up to find Harry Styles looking down at her.  A boyish grin highlighting his dimples. 

 “Hope,” was all Harry could say. 

“Hi,” Hope said just looking up at him. 

“You stayed,”

“I told you that I would.” Hope chirped before Harry shocked both her and everyone else when he wrapped his arms around her in an unrelenting hug.


The security guards had come out to intervene between them and the crowd before anything bad happened. 

Meanwhile Hope found herself swept up with Harry as he had not let go of her hand the whole time. She was back stage before she could fully comprehend what happened. 

“Hi!” Niall said when he saw Hope. 

“Hi Niall,” Hope said about to walk to him but Harry’s grip that hadn’t let her go, kept her back.  Hope looked back at Harry whom flushed a little realizing what he had done, but he still wasn't letting go. 


“If I let you go, you’ll disappear,” Harry protested. 

“What?” Hope said confused.

“Every time I meet you, you disappear soon afterwards.” Harry explained. 

“If I recall, the last time, you were the one that disappeared.” Hope teased. 

“No that was Liam’s fault!” Harry exclaimed.

“I’m teasing Harry,” Hope laughed.  “But, Harry you can let me go, I’m not leaving yet, I still have an hour before I have to pick Belle up from her ballet practice.”

Harry’s hold tightened but then he finally released her hand. 

“So you’re Hope,” A voice said coming up to them. It was Louis, followed by the rest. 

“Can I hug her?” Niall asked, coming up to poke Harry. 

“No, you’re already her favorite.” Harry poked him back. “You can just settle for that.”

“Then I should definitely be allowed to hug her.” Niall protested.

Hope looked between the two and began to laugh. 

“Since you already know them, we’ll just introduce ourselves.” Louis said looking at Harry and Niall with quirked eyebrows.

“Louis Tomlinson, nice to finally meet Harry’s Hope.”

Hope looked at Harry with a wondering look but Harry said nothing as he put a light hand on her back. 

“Zayn Malik,”

“We sort of met yesterday, but Liam Payne.”

“The one with that awful outfit, cap and wiry black hair?” Hope asked remembering that someone had been with Harry. 

Liam blushed.  “Yeah that was me.”

“Nice disguise, I didn’t even recognize you.” Hope said biting her lip to keep from laughing. 

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