A Promise Made is a Promise Kept

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Ship or no ship?

I for one am unsure, but doesn't the girl look awfully familiar, have we seen her before?

Either way, ever since New Year’s these two have been spotted together more than once and quite publicly and affectionately. 

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Once Hope got out of her Anatomy Lab, she stretched and yawned.  Her long sleeved maroon button up rose slightly.  Feeling the bitter January cold, she tugged her coat back on  and put the hood up to block the wind. 

Instead of heading straight to the subway, she made a stop into the student dining to get herself a peppermint hot chocolate.  As she sat down in a more secluded area, she took out her class notes to reorganize them.  Feeling her phone ring, she answered it quickly, not bothering to look at the name or number. 

“Hope?” A male voice slurred her name. 

Hope blinked before dropping her papers as she recognized the british accent. “Harry?” She said in shock as Harry had been avoiding her calls, emails, texts, pictures, you name it.  The only way she’d been able to keep in contact was mainly through the other boys, especially Liam.  “Harry, are you,” Hope hesitated.  “Are you drunk?” She asked as Liam had been telling her that Harry was going out a bit more than normal and more often than not, getting quite inebriated.  From the slurring of her name, she couldn’t help but think at the moment, he was exactly that. 

“Yeah, yes, yes I think I am.” Harry managed to say. 

Hope leaned back into the booth as she closed her eyes. “Harry,” she whispered softly. 

“It seems, only when I’m drunk that I can get the courage to talk to you, probably because tomorrow morning I will have no recollection of this convo,”


“So there’s no chance that you can break my heart if I don’t remember.” 

“Harry Styles,” Hope said, sighing, though with a slightly wistfulness in her tone.  “I’ve missed you.”

“Well I love you, can you say that?”  Harry said, gulping as he stopped in front of his door, fumbling for his keys. 

“Harry when you get home, drink a glass of water and take some aspirin.  It’ll be good for you.”

“She looks like you Hope, and I like and both hate her for it, because she’s not you, no matter how drunk I get.”  Harry whispered as he leaned his head against the door, letting Hope’s calm and assuring voice wash over him.

“Harry, please, please, don’t say that.” Hope’s voice trembled.  “You know that I-”

“I know.” Harry whispered.  “Good thing I’ll be too hung-over to remember though.”

“Harry, get some rest, I’ll see you soon. We still need to talk, but maybe it’s better if we do so face to face.” Hope sighed before the dial tone on the other end rang in her ears.  “Harry…” She whispered as she looked up at the ceiling, her thoughts taking her far away. 


“Holy guacamole, the girl does look like you!” Amy cried as she, Lena, Opal, and Hope all skyped each other and currently looking at the link that Opal had sent them.

“I told you so!” Opal cried, as she rolled her eyes at her best friends.  “I told you guys this weeks ago!”

“Well, we, just, we,” Amy fumbled for the right words to say.  “But, crap, Hope, how the hell did you get a pop star to fall in love with you?”

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