Chapter 25: Jackass

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I smiled wolfishly (literally, ha ha ha) at Jackson where he stood with his mouth hanging open. I suppose they were probably expecting me to look more like Derek in his full wolf form...

They were wrong, and I loved it. I could tell Stiles did too as I winked in his direction.

While Derek's alpha form did resemble a real wolf, it was also relatively close to the size of one. Whereas we... well, our size was much more comparable to a large grizzly bear. I showed off a little bit, pacing and swishing my tail, before squaring up in front of Jackson. I crouched into a ready stance, and the werewolf did the same as he transformed into his beta form.

Showing off I see, I heard Jared's unsurprised comment in my head.

I would never turn down a challenge, I practically scoffed.

Or the chance to look badass in front of Stiles, Embry added. And well- I wouldn't deny that.

I ignored my pack mates in favour of analyzing Jackson. His stance was pretty good, it was clear he trained and/or had a sports background of some kind. He was steady and focused. His eyes were cold and calculating, observing me as effectively as I was observing him. It looked like he was favouring his left, which I could definitely use to my advantage. I wondered how he would approach this situation. Had he ever thought about attacking a giant wolf? How would he go about it? Would he prove to be more resourceful than I was expecting?

I stayed poised to attack, waiting for him to make the first move. And he did, just like I knew he would. He was too eager to be the tough guy, too eager to challenge me unprepared.

I practically giggled out loud when I was able to trip him up on his first move, exploiting his vulnerable side. But the werewolf was quick, I would give him that. He immediately recovered, bouncing up from the matts and jabbing with his right. He landed a solid punch to my left shoulder, but it didn't do much in the grand scheme of things. The werewolves were as strong as we are, but it was barely a sting. We are only doing some friendly training after all. He managed to sweep my front paws out from underneath me once- but I was as quick as he was. I practically danced around him as he continued to advance, snapping my jaws menacingly closer than comfortable. I wouldn't slip up and actually hurt him, but I wanted to be sure he was put in his place- so to speak.

He was skilled, I wasn't denying that. But they were right, they had been focusing too much on humanoid vs humanoid conflicts. He simply wasn't accustomed to fighting anything else... and that could prove dangerous for all of them.

I finally decided that we had been playing enough and ended the fight quickly by knocking him on his ass and placing a paw on his chest to keep him there. He nodded his understanding, and I released him- knowing full well as soon as my back was turned he would try again. He just seemed the type.

And sure enough, as soon as I turned away, he was on me. But I was expecting it, prepared. I knocked him down, hard, hard enough that the air left his lungs. As if to say- dude, rude. He scowled up at me, and I chuckled the way only a wolf can before leaving the room to phase back. Stiles followed me out with my pile of clothes, setting them in front of me and turning away so I could change back. So polite.

"That was impressive," Stiles murmured, staying quiet to keep our conversation a little more private. I watched his body shiver as he felt the heat of the phase on the air. "Jackson's good- but he wasn't ready for that. You looked like you were going easy on him."

"I was," I smirked as I pulled on my jeans and kissed the back of his neck to let him know I was decent.

He turned around with a wide smile, blushing at the sight of my bare chest as he surveyed it with his eyes.

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