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"Baby...Baby...Baby. I swear she sleeps like the dearly departed." Xanthe says shaking his head. "Baby Bear!!!" He yells effectively scaring the spirit out of Baby.

"What on God's green earth is wrong with you?!" She yells grabbing her chest.

"Breakfast, Malady." Xanthe says presenting her breakfast of various fruits, cheeses, breads and jellies; paired with a glass each of milk, juice, and water. "I didn't know what you wanted, so I just got a variety of things. Is this alright? I can have the cook make something for you, if you'd like." He says slightly worried.

"No, this is perfect. I've never had breakfast in bed before...well mainly because I've never had a bed before-"

"Never had a bed before! That's it! Their heads roll at sunset." He says putting down the tray, heading purposefully toward the door.

"He's so bloody dramatic." She mumbles. "Goldilocks wait!! Please don't. It's only Byron, Belle is the sweetest, kindest soul I've ever met. Everything Byron does is for Belle. He's not that bad really, just a bit rough around the edges. Please, just...leave them be." She pleads with him.

His livid facial expression softens. "Alright, but if you change your mind..." He says taking his thumb and dragging it from one ear to the other.

She laughs. "You're rather violent for a prince aren't you?" She says as she takes a sip of her orange juice.

"Only when someone threatens what's mine." He mumbles to himself as he leans up against one of the bed posts.

"Pardon?" She says not hearing what he said.

"Nothing. So, what do you want to do today? I have a few "princely" duties to attend to later on today, but before and after, that I'm all yours." He says grinning at her as she stuffs her cheeks. "You look like a chipmunk." He says smirking at her.

"Mmmmmf mf mmmmifffiff." She says with a mouth full of food.

"I beg your pardon? That sort of language is not acceptable for a lady." He says gasping dramatically.

After swallowing her food, she laughs hysterically at his silliness.

He watches her fondly with a smile. "Come Baby Bear. It's time we get you to the seamstress." He says holding out his hand.

"But, I'm not finished yet?" She says with a sad face.

"I'll have one of the kitchen staff bring you something during your fitting. Come now, we must hurry. You are meeting my parents today and they don't like to be kept waiting." He says taking her hand and pulling her out of the bed.

After two hours of being forced to stand still, being bathed by multiple maid servants, forced to endure two hours with the beautician, being shoved into a suffocating dress, Baby is finally ready to meet the King and Queen.  Baby is then escorted to the dining hall for lunch with His and Her Majesty.

When she enters the dining hall Xanthe can't keeps his eye off of her. "Baby, you are indeed a rare beauty." He says collecting her from the man servant. 

Baby blushes. "Thank you Goldilocks. You don't look so bad yourself." She says with a smirk.

"Oh stop, this old thing?" He says with a smile and a hand over his heart.

Baby laughs once more at his silliness. "What do I say to them once we arrive?" She asks nervously.

"Good afternoon will suffice. My father is very welcoming. It's my mother that can be rather...difficult." He says frowning slightly.

"You really know how to boost a girl's confidence." She says with a blank look.

He laughs at her. "Don't be nervous. My mother can smell fear." He says making fun of her.

HER HAPPY ENDING (BWWM) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now